Authors Paul Furber

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Good question: what proofs has BDA provided of his authenticity?

Let's go through some of them.

- BDA predicted the Saudis would assassinate Suleimani. They did.
- He said the dog that got Badghadi's arm deserved a Medal Of Honor. The next day the President posted a joke image showing him giving the dog a MoH.

- He said one of his ops in Syria would severely disrupt a CIA drug trafficking operation. This was proved true within a few days:
- He sent gold to Brazil to help pay for an anti-trafficking operation there. That op became public soon afterwards.

- On May 31 this year, he predicted the President would be giving a speech the next day. June 1, the President gives a surprise address at the Rose Garden.
- He predicted the US would be making diplomatic moves on Greenland. True.

- He said the US would be pulling all troops out of Afghanistan. This was confirmed within the month.
- He claimed earthquakes would be hitting Iran's nuclear facilities in December. Yep.
- There were FOUR facilities hit, not the three made public. Also true.
The October Surprise of 2020: a #qanon and #BigDickAnon read.

I don't think it's a coincidence that BDA posted the Seven Days In May trailer on the same day President Trump tweeted this out:


The President also just retweeted this:


It's the Hillary Clinton private email server bit I'm interested in. Because Q told us what was on it.


Let's go through it.

2011 Shuttle Program terminated by Hussein.
US loses space dominance.

Then a link to a Fox News story (now 404) that said the Oboma administration knew about NK's miniaturized nukes.

Oh we care Ben. Lots of people care. What we DON'T care about is your greasy, treasonous, dual-loyalty opinion of it.

That's why the media really hates Q, isn't it? Millions of people asking questions instead of being obediently afraid.

Your worst nightmare.


Sometimes the mask slips and we can see what you really wanted all along.

Fear. Your stock in trade.

Everyone on God's green earth from Barney The Dinosaur upwards knows the President Of The United States has a ridiculously high overall security clearance.

Except you. You're outraged that he's retweeting 'conspiracy theories.'