Authors Jack Iwashyna

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In the midst of all the grief + chaos of 2020, it's hard to remember there were good things

For me, an incredible group of young scholars doing highly relevant science was the #Bestof2020. Here are my favorite 2020 paper by each of several young scholars with whom I get to work

To see where some of these folks were last year see this thread

let's start this #BestOfResp2020 with @UM_IHPI

.@msjoding changed the way I look at pulse oximetry in @nejm, rethinking my bedside care

This paper has rightly gotten a lot of

But I think it is useful to look at it as an example of what makes Mike's work so interesting. A grant to build a dataset just to look at this project would, I think, have been un-fundable. Instead Mike had built an infrastructure to look at ARDS detection

When @msjoding came across Prof Amy Moran-Thomas's provocative @BostonReview essay ( he was able to pivot that data infrastructure to ask an important question...