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This is as good an opportunity as any to launch into my theory of perversion. A perversion is an unnatural sexual desire, and by that I mean it is a sexual desire unhinged from external realities - from other actual people - and trapped in an inner self-referential loop.

Let's take the trad perspective for a second and assume same-sex romantic relationships are morally wrong because they do not fulfill the purpose of sex, procreation. Even so, even in those same sex bonds, there is a natural and good thing being sought after, even if incorrectly.

Even if the primary purpose of sex, from the trad perspective, is not being fulfilled, other natural aspects of the sexual act are: physical solace and the comfort of another person's embrace, and the tenderness and kindness lovers express to each other through sex.

So that even if one assumes gay sex is unnatural, it is only so because it seeks through unnatural means to live out a perfectly natural goal: love, mutual enjoyment of the lovers, the generosity and tears of the bedroom.

True perversion is desire turned inward, locked in itself

Perversion is sexual desire with NO connection to nature, because it is not externally attracted to other people, but inwardly fixed on one's own particular state of mind. It may take on characteristics of natural sexual desire, but only incidentally.