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The most successful stock trader from America & the winner of all the trading competitions he competes in.

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Jesse Livermore

Never let a loss exceed 8% changed his trading game for the

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Most beginners when building a trading strategy simply use current info and test with it, they don't know How to Get Historical Stock Futures lot size, list of stocks that are part of index like Nifty 50, Nifty 500 historically, I will share all such info in this thread

Please note that there is no way to get the historical lot size of stocks futures, NSE don't publish it directly, so we need to do some calculated steps to get that data. Download Market Activity report

The zip file contains multiple files, open the second file.

The file will contain stock symbol, expiry date, OHLC data, along with that you get traded quantity and No of contracts traded, using this data we can calculate the lot size of every stock symbol. Simply divide Traded QTY / NO of contracts gives you the lot size.

So to get the historical stock futures data, all you need to do is change the date in the below link For an example, to get the historical stock futures lot size data for Sep 2016, use