Mumbadevi is the patron Devi of Mumbai city.
The word Mumba comes from Maha and Amba.
She is also the patron Devi of Agri (salt collectors) and Kolis (Fishermen).
The fishermen regard her as their protector and as Maha Shakti.

Legend says that Devi came to earth to end the demon Mumbarka.
After his defeat, Mumbarka begged Devi to take his name. Thus, Devi came to be called Mumba Devi.
The demon Mumbarka also build a mandir and dedicated it to Mumba Devi. The present mandir was reconstructed in 1737.
The murti of Mumba Devi symbolises Mother Earth.
Devi Annapurna on a peacock stands on her left.
Navratri witnesses a huge number of Bhaktas.
Devi blesses her worshippers with good health and prosperity and also known to bless childless couples.

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