Sigmund Freud had explained the interpretation of dreams in the last century, but our scriptures explained this thousands of years back.

What is the significance and meaning of our dreams. These are explained in Kanv shakha of our scriptures.
Dreams in the first quarter(पहर) of the day give result in one year,
if the dreams are in the second quarter(प्रहर) the results are in eight months, for third the dreams are fulfilled in three months, the fourth one takes one fortnight, the dreams of dawn take ten days, morning dreams after you awaken after dream are fulfilled forthright.
If you dream during your tense and worrisome period those are never realized. People with Negative traits never get their dreams fulfilled. Also your dreams will never be realized after you get up from a dream and then go to sleep again. Never narrate your dreams to others.
You will gain wealth if you see the following things in your dream- cow,elephant, horse, palace, climbing mountains or trees, eating and crying or injured.

You will attain more land if you see someone
singing with veena in his hands.
You will attain amrit if you see yourself entering a red sea or entering into narak.

You will be a wealthy person if you dream about gold, ox, cow, lamp, foodgrains, umbrella, flag or chariot, cow milk, ghee, temple, families, lotus leaf served with Kheer, flowers, betel leaf,
swastika, paduka, tree laden with flowers,snake bite will again make you wealthy.

If you dream about mare, hen and any female bird you are about to get married.

If you see yourself in iron chains you will attain fame or a son.
You are about to become a King or a leader if you dream and see a broken leaf with curd.

You will be victorious if you dream about snake or wasp.

If you are in pain or see a monkey, fish, pearl, conch, diamond, blood, chandan, creepers and mango in a dream, you will be rich.
If you see a statue or a shivling then you will be victorious in your endeavor.

A dream of burning fire, a woman in white attire brings intelligence.

If you see Sun and Moon you will remain healthy.
If you see a smiling Brahmin lady coming to your house you will be getting something that you immensely like.

A son will be born if you dream about a happy couple or you see a full pot. If someone blesses you in a dream you will be drowned in luxury.
If someone gives you a flower in your hand you will get the Punya of tirth Snan.

Dream about Tridev will get you unlimited heart's desire. If you see yourself with an elephant resting his trunk on your head, then you would be the ruler of the land.
If you see yourself donating something to a Brahmin you will be wealthy.

You will be the ruler or a King if you see a brahmin couple with umbrella or if they are throwing grains all around.
You will be a great scholar if you dream of a eight year old child or see anybody giving you a book or a mother/ father teaching you, see books all around then you will excel in academics.

You will attain a mantra siddhi if someone whispers mantra in your ear in your dream.
Someone giving you a white grain in dreams makes you a King.

If a Brahmin drives your chariot and gives you a tour of swarg in dreams, it fetches you longevity.

Seeing a dream of well, pond, lake white mountain and white snakes makes you rich.
You are about to attain good luck if you see Kalika devi with crystal necklace or a rainbow in your dream.

The Brahmin that you see in dreams is actually a swaroop of Shiv and Vishnu. Brahmini is Laxmi or Parvati swaroop. Radha comes as gwalin and children are Bal gopal.
Source - Brahma Vaivartva puran

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Viruses and other pathogens are often studied as stand-alone entities, despite that, in nature, they mostly live in multispecies associations called biofilms—both externally and within the host.

Microorganisms in biofilms are enclosed by an extracellular matrix that confers protection and improves survival. Previous studies have shown that viruses can secondarily colonize preexisting biofilms, and viral biofilms have also been described.

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Assalam Alaiki dear Sister in Islam. I hope this meets you well. Hope you are keeping safe in this pandemic. May Allah preserve you and your beloved family. I would like to address the misconception and misinterpretation in your thread. Please peruse the THREAD below.

1. First off, a disclaimer. Should you feel hurt by my words in the course of the thread, then forgive me. It’s from me and not from Islam. And I probably have to improve on my delivery. And I may not quote you verbatim, but the intended meaning would be there. Thank You!

2. Standing on Imam Shafii’s quote: “And I never debated anyone but that I did not mind whether Allah clarified the truth on my tongue or his tongue” or “I never once debated anyone hoping to win the debate; rather I always wished that the truth would come from his side.”

3. Okay, into the meat (my love for meat is showing. Lol) of the thread. Even though you didn’t mention the verse that permitted polygamy, everyone knows the verse you were talking about (Q4:3).

4. Your reasons for the revelation of the verse are strange. The first time I came across such. I had to quickly consult the books on the exegeses or tafsir of the Quran written by renowned specialists!
🌺कैसे बने गरुड़ भगवान विष्णु के वाहन और क्यों दो भागों में फटी होती है नागों की जिह्वा🌺

महर्षि कश्यप की तेरह पत्नियां थीं।लेकिन विनता व कद्रु नामक अपनी दो पत्नियों से उन्हे विशेष लगाव था।एक दिन महर्षि आनन्दभाव में बैठे थे कि तभी वे दोनों उनके समीप आकर उनके पैर दबाने लगी।

प्रसन्न होकर महर्षि कश्यप बोले,"मुझे तुम दोनों से विशेष लगाव है, इसलिए यदि तुम्हारी कोई विशेष इच्छा हो तो मुझे बताओ। मैं उसे अवश्य पूरा करूंगा ।"

कद्रू बोली,"स्वामी! मेरी इच्छा है कि मैं हज़ार पुत्रों की मां बनूंगी।"
विनता बोली,"स्वामी! मुझे केवल एक पुत्र की मां बनना है जो इतना बलवान हो की कद्रू के हज़ार पुत्रों पर भारी पड़े।"
महर्षि बोले,"शीघ्र ही मैं यज्ञ करूंगा और यज्ञ के उपरांत तुम दोनो की इच्छाएं अवश्य पूर्ण होंगी"।

महर्षि ने यज्ञ किया,विनता व कद्रू को आशीर्वाद देकर तपस्या करने चले गए। कुछ काल पश्चात कद्रू ने हज़ार अंडों से काले सर्पों को जन्म दिया व विनता ने एक अंडे से तेजस्वी बालक को जन्म दिया जिसका नाम गरूड़ रखा।जैसे जैसे समय बीता गरुड़ बलवान होता गया और कद्रू के पुत्रों पर भारी पड़ने लगा

परिणामस्वरूप दिन प्रतिदिन कद्रू व विनता के सम्बंधों में कटुता बढ़ती गयी।एकदिन जब दोनो भ्रमण कर रहीं थी तब कद्रू ने दूर खड़े सफेद घोड़े को देख कर कहा,"बता सकती हो विनता!दूर खड़ा वो घोड़ा किस रंग का है?"
विनता बोली,"सफेद रंग का"।
तो कद्रू बोली,"शर्त लगाती हो? इसकी पूँछ तो काली है"।