As per hindu mythology, depending on whether you follow Vishnu puranam or Bhagavath Geetha, there are 7 Worlds (Lokams) above the Earth (including Earth) and 7 below (excluding Earth) 1/n
The Seven Worlds above the Earth are Bhur loka (Earth), Bhuvar Loka, Svar Loka, Mahar Loka, Jana Loka, Tapa Loka and Satya Loka.
The Seven Worlds below the Earth are Atala Loka, Sutala Loka, Vithala Loka, TalaTala Loka, Mahatala Loka, Rasatala Loka, Patala Loka. 2/n
I am not going deep into descriptions about these 14 lokams.
Depending on which puranam you follow, there could be minor changes in the nomenclature. 3/n
But what is striking is the similarity between the various layers of atmosphere above us and the lokams(there could be a mismatch of a number here or there - it is the concept that is important). 4/n
If you analyze the atmosphere above us, we see
Earth, Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere and Exosphere.
These layers almost match with the concept of Lokams above us in the puranas!!! 5/n