Muslim thought in India can be thought of as having two lineages
1. Islamic puritanism
Lineage : Sirhindi -> Shāh Walīullāh ->Syed Ahmad Barelvi, Deobandi movement, Maulana Azad -> Jamaat e Islami
2. Muslim nationalism
Syed Ahmed Khan ->Jinnah, Iqbal - > Ayub Khan/Musharraf
The former originated largely as a religious movement.
It has its origins in Sirhindi, who voiced the view in 16th cen, that Akbar's policy was "Indianizing" Islam too much
Too much of Din-e-ilahi crap.
Let's keep Islam pure
That lineage continues in the thinking of 18th cen theologian Shah Waliullah , the Delhi based Islamic scholar who lived b/w 1703 and 1762
Waliullah like Sirhindi emphasized segregation/purity
and loyalty to the Ummah (the global Islamic whole)
Not to South Asian muslims per se
Waliullah once said
"Muslims, no matter where they live, they should be completely separated from the natives of that country in their culture, traditions and mannerisms. And wherever they are, they must be immersed in their Arabic splendor and Arabic trends”
This line of thinking continues in two 19th cen movements-
That of Syed Barelvi - who fought valiantly against Sikh rule in Punjab at Balakot
And that of the Deobandis in late 19th cen