According to the #PadmaPurana; there are 8,400,000 life-form species, 900,000 of which are aquatic ones; 2,000,000 are trees and plants; 1,100,000 are small living species, insects and reptiles; 1,000,000 are birds; 3,000,000 are beasts and 400,000 are human species
and as per modern Science research till now they are able to find out only Over seven million species of plants and animals living on planet earth, according to the best estimates made by biologists, means Science is still behind in understanding the biological and multiverse
structure of almighty.But does that means every time we take birth in same earth in same human species or in some other species in same universe ?, absolutely not, if we look deeply in spiritual reality. Our karmas decides where any being has to move through either in this
universe or in some other Universe and in which life form. It is difficult to understand in which world we take birth and which world we will move through, reason being Brahm-anda is composed of so many multiverse universes within each of so Many inter- related
and in each of them, it has Many forms of trinity godheads are also present in each and every Universe. we can't imagine. This can be easily Understandable from Many of verses explained in Bhagwad puraan regarding parallel universe and Multiverse theory based on vedic cosmology