1/ @fortelabs @nathanbarry Your recent YouTube interview https://t.co/hZlBpxKYcE is one of the best and most useful interviews/conversations of the last 12 months - truly excellent. I tried to leave this as a comment on YouTube but failed, so here it is as a Tweet.
2/ The exchange at minute 57 - 59 was fascinating and I agree with Nathan‘s take on this. I am an expert in my field but a digital idiot and with little teaching experience.
3/ I have been fascinated by the concept of teaching what I know and promised myself to bootstrap my teaching business when I started at a friend‘s (@kerfrie) suggestion in 2019.
4/ I began with next to zero email list (real opt ins) but 30 years of business experience and a healthy network of personal connections.
5/ I conducted two pilots (Zoom with presentations over 10 clinics plus 4 Q&A sessions) and charged a 50% discount on my target price of $2,850 per student for them and managed to recruit 7 and 13 students respectively.