Authors Brian Feroldi
I receive tons of wonderful replies and read through them all
Here are 31 amazing threads that are well worth your time ⬇️
1/ @10kdiver on
— 10-K Diver (@10kdiver) April 10, 2021
Get a cup of coffee.
In this thread, I'll walk you through the basics of leverage -- in our personal lives and in the companies we invest in.
2/ @aaronbush100 on 20 semi-controversial investing
20 semi-controversial investing beliefs [THREAD]:
— Aaron Bush (@aaronbush100) May 24, 2020
3/ @annieduke on category
The most dangerous category of poor decisions are ones that remain easily hidden from view because any instance of that type of decision is so easy to rationalize.
— Annie Duke (@AnnieDuke) October 7, 2020
4/ @awilkinson on losing
This is a story about how I lost $10,000,000 by doing something stupid.
— Andrew Wilkinson (@awilkinson) March 30, 2021
Ten. Million. Dollars.
Literally up in smoke. Money bonfire.
That\u2019s enough to retire with $250,000+ in annual income.
Here\u2019s what happened\u2026
I use them every day to help me find great investments
Want to create your own investment checklist?
Here are some great resources to help you get started
2/ Here's my free public spreadsheet that details my current
3/ Here's my detailed board post about how to use the
4/ Here's a detailed thread on Michael Shern's EXCELLENT investment
Just finishing reading "The Investment Checklist" by Michael Shearn.
— Brian Feroldi (@BrianFeroldi) July 4, 2020
I HIGHLY recommend it!
(Puts my checklist to shame.)
Here's the book's checklist:
5/ Here's a thread on how I created my
1/ How to create an investment checklist (thread)
— Brian Feroldi (@BrianFeroldi) December 8, 2020
Checklists are an amazing, FREE, underutilized investing tool
Here's the step-by-step process for how to create your own
I play daily and coach at my kid's school, so I love seeing the interest
If you're want to learn about chess, here are some great free resources (thread)
2/ How to play & basics
Great YouTube
3/ Opening principles
4/ Common beginner
5/ Advanced topics
Chess Holes:
6 Power Moves of
Here’s what "financial wellness" means to me
2/ Mindset
Humans are programmed to think short-term
Evolutionary, thinking short-term makes sense. It helps with survival.
Financial wellness is all about training yourself to develop a long-term mindset
Not easy -- it takes practice
3/ Mindset
If you join the right tribes, you can’t help but improve
My favs:
Twitter / Podcasts / Blogs / YouTube -- when used correctly -- are amazing
1/ YouTube is an AMAZING resource when used properly (Thread)
— Brian Feroldi (@BrianFeroldi) November 7, 2020
Here are my favorite YouTube channels:
Top 5:
Mark Rober - @MarkRober
Real Engineering
Smarter Every Day - @smartereveryday
Stuff Made Here - @stuffmadehere
Wintegartan - @wintergatan
More \U0001f447\U0001f447\U0001f447\U0001f447\U0001f447
4/ Mindset
Educate yourself - constantly!
Especially about:
These 3 categories have an outsized influence on all areas of your life
1/ Book recommendations (thread)
— Brian Feroldi (@BrianFeroldi) November 20, 2020
Start Here:
Choose FI
Richest Man in Babylon
Millionaire Next Door
Rich Dad, Poor Dad
The Wealthy Barber
5/ Career
In the beginning, focus on growing your income
Do more than what is expected
Become a lynchpin
Find a career that you ENJOY (<- important!) that also has high-income potential
Start a side hustle (<- important!)
Build your talent
Boosting your salary is a great way to turbo-charge wealth building
— Brian Feroldi (@BrianFeroldi) November 1, 2020
Here's the good news: Your salary is negotiable!@themotleyfool and @ChooseFi have some AMAZING free resources for scoring a big raise:
Use them!
Study these stocks to learn more:
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Podcast deep