As witch-hunt #3 gets underway by @BeatriceJanzon
@sr_ekot against me, Keith Begg, a citizen of Ireland and Sweden and no doubt some members of the FB Group I would like to post some questions to the above:
🆘Is it ethical, that the tactics and antics of a state

media station, paid for with taxpayers money, can infiltrate a Private FB group and try to discredit them? This is done in the most authoritarian of states.
🆘Is it ethical that the Honorable David Nabarro from @WHO had to issue a press release due to being deliberately
misquoting in Swedish media?
🆘Are these headlines reflective of what you would see in free media in a democracy, when the rest of the world was posting quite opposite headlines about Sweden?
🆘Does the deliberate distortion of information on Swedish TV constitute any
breaches of trust? Why was it done? After all when the government changed its C19 strategy on the Gov website, they deemed it a mistake?
🆘Not to mind the Italian embassy having to issue three statements over false claims by Tegnell
which were picked up by the media. Do I as a private citizen think that @RSF_en made a big mistake by recognizing Sweden as #4 in terms of Freedom of the Press? ABSOLUTELY. We want to know what they based their decisions on. Because it is clear to many
living in #Sweden that the media for the most part with notable exceptions have been biased. And as for the 700 million SEK bailout, bribe call it what you will given to the #Swedish media when other areas such as care were dealing with huge shortages.
does that not raise suspicious questions?
🆘I would like to see what the exact conditions were given to media outlets before they could avail of the bailout money.
🆘I would like to see the indicators used by @RSF_en to award #Sweden #4 in terms of freedom of the press for 2020.
Everything in the authorities tool box is being used to silence and discredit those critical of the Swedish strategy. #ReturnSwedenToDemocracy
@DiPiep @JoannaTeglund @ZeroCovAlliance @ASlavitt @GoldbergRadio @DrWhistleblowe1 @Charlie_Hebdo_ @BBCWorld @BBCPolitics @DeutscheWelle
@France24 @nytimes @JohnHopkins @tomaspueyo @imperialcollege @AJEnglish @CNN @AC360 @SackurStephen @BBCHARDtalk @fotoole @DainiusPuras @anticorruption @DrTedros @DrMikeRyan @BBC_HaveYourSay @camanpour @cphpost @Aftenposten @derStandardat @nzherald @DomPost @tn_cz @bleskcz
@LaStampa @repubblica @elpaisinenglish @koreatimescokr @TheKoreaHerald @taipei_times @Taiwan_Today @hsfi @turunsanomat @swissinfo_en @orla_barry @sineadbaker1 @Guardian @Observer @thejournal_ie @eirikveum @LeoVaradkar @yaneerbaryam @chrispleasance @MailOnline @mika_salminen
@jonathanvswan @laoneill111 @Karl_Lauterbach @philipoconnor @PresidentIRL @MaryLouMcDonald @DrAnthonyF @nhc_no @FinGovernment @finlandinuk @LaVanguardia @clarincom @ElNacionalWeb @clarineconomico @ElUniversal @latercera
@TelemundoNews @Telemundo @lajornadaonline @elcomerciocom
@Milenio @proceso @ElMercurio_cl @Reforma
@sextaNoticias @laSextaTV @canarias7 @MIRAMETV
@Cahora @canariasnotiweb @CanariasNotic @elpaisinenglish @ElNuevoDia @ElNuevoDia @el_pais @primerahora @diariolaopinion @elnuevoherald @noticiaswrtu

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