We're kicking off the Irish National Integration Conference this morning, with the first of 9 migrant-led discussions on Irish identity & integration, beginning with: INTEGRATION - LEARNING FROM THE PAST, LOOKING TOWARD THE FUTURE.



CEO of @immigrationIRL @BriKi, kicking things off with his call to 'truly see the true diversity of Ireland 100 years on'.
Chair of the @immigrationIRL Board, Dr Roja Fazaeli, now delivering opening remarks for the conference, acknowledging the huge contribution of immigrant communities to essential services in Ireland through the Covid-19 pandemic. 🙌
Roja - Institutions such as direct provision continue to disfigure Ireland as an inclusive place to live... Ireland still has a long way to go until we're a fully inclusive society. We want to build a country where no one is left behind.
We're delighted to welcome Minister @joefingalgreen now to deliver the key note address for our opening session. Minister O'Brien was a past team member of the @immigrationIRL, and is now Minister of State with special responsibility for Community Development and Charities.
Minister @joefingalgreen also recognising the disproportionate amount of people of a migrant background on the front line during the ongoing pandemic and recognising those who have given their life in service to the country. #INIC2021
We are all born with the same rights, but immigration systems remove some of those rights if we choose to live in another country. We must work to a system where those rights are automatic - Minister @joefingalgreen. #INIC2021
We cannot discuss migrant rights without looking at all issues around inequality, such as hosing family structures and political participation. We must look at these issues together - Minister @joefingalgreen
Everyone in Ireland, including from migrant background, can not only vote in local elections but can also run in local elections and Minister @joefingalgreen would encourage all to consider engaging in local politics.
Minister @joefingalgreen revealing that the @greenparty_ie will be soon launching a campaign to call for people of migrant backgrounds, Women and people with disabilities to put themselves forward for local election. #INIC2021
An image of the 10 people of migrant backgrounds who we're elected in the 2019 local elections, shared by Minister @joefingalgreen. Let increase this number for more political representation!
We're now hearing from @SarahDuku, @CairdeIreland Coordinator in Ballbrigan, who is spotlighting the the views of people on a local level, on what must be addressed on the local and national level to achieve integration. #INIC2021
Now hearing opening thoughts from @KeireMurphy, Kilkenny emigrant now with @MaastrichtU who will be sharing insight from her research on integration.
"The old world of monoculture does not exist anymore... It is time for us all, including political leader to examine what constitutes 'Irishness'" - @desondy, Director of @NascIreland, and Senior Lecturer & Chair of Race Equality, UCC delivering his opening remarks. #INIC2021
@immigrationIRL Integration Manager @TBuczkowska highlighting positive examples, such as the great progress at @Fingalcoco on their integration policy as an example of positive ways forward to integration in her opening remarks. #INIC2021
'We have migrants who have come to help make this a better place. For them, this is home' - @SarahDuku on the migrant communities in Balbriggan and Fingal. 'Yet, 80% of migrant people experienced racism and discrimination.'
I don't hear enough talk of 'big tent' Irishness, and diversity of identity under that banner - @desondy on the current thinking around what Irish identity is and asking 'who is deciding this narrative?'

"1 thing that Ireland has done quite badly on the Integration Strategy is not involving local authorities and civil society" @KeireMurphy - The strategy requires local services and civil society, funded and resourced to work effectively.
Migrants don't have enough involvement in building and designing integration strategies. We need the migrant voice, and the expertise and knowledge that exists to be fed into the strategies. They must be funded to be able to provide this expertise - @TBuczkowska

'10 years ago, there were two communities in Balbriggan. The migrant and the host communities. They did not interact. The integration forum changed all of that - so many groups have emerged from that forum' @SarahDuku
.@EmpowerFingal are doing great work around promoting awareness of integration and other vital services in Balbriggan - @SarahDuku
We must invest in integration. It is a process. This is reliant on funding - not only for projects, but long-term projects with employed teams to achieve sustainable and long-term progress - @SarahDuku
Volunteers are so important to local level integration work, but they cannot be full-time. In Kilkenny, the only immigrant specific service is run solely by volunteers. The is not sustainable - @KeireMurphy
On a policy level, separating migrants of similar backgrounds across the country actually hampers integration. A support structure of similar backgrounds and communities actually help integration of those groups - @KeireMurphy
"People don't understand the sleepless nights, and the racism and micro-aggressions that I experience. It's exhausting being in the fight" - @desondy on the experience of being a migrant speaking on these issues.

On Irish identity, @TBuczkowska commenting "If commitment to equality and progression is central to identity, then I am no less Irish than anyone here."

"You can have a vibrant and active identity where you are both Polish and Irish; both Irish and Brazilian; Irish, Pakistani and Scottish" - @TBuczkowska

For those who want to progress positive integration and equality, we need to do all we can. But we must also do this with all of the component parts such as national and local strategies, funding and support - @BriKi closing the first of our sessions.

A really interesting and insightful first session of the Irish National Integration Conference. Our huge thanks to @joefingalgreen, @SarahDuku, @desondy, @KeireMurphy, @TBuczkowska for giving our time and sharing your expertise with us today.

The next session of the conference, a workshop on Identity and Belonging, takes place this afternoon from 2pm to 3pm and registration is available at:


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Good question: what proofs has BDA provided of his authenticity?

Let's go through some of them.

- BDA predicted the Saudis would assassinate Suleimani. They did.
- He said the dog that got Badghadi's arm deserved a Medal Of Honor. The next day the President posted a joke image showing him giving the dog a MoH.

- He said one of his ops in Syria would severely disrupt a CIA drug trafficking operation. This was proved true within a few days:
- He sent gold to Brazil to help pay for an anti-trafficking operation there. That op became public soon afterwards.

- On May 31 this year, he predicted the President would be giving a speech the next day. June 1, the President gives a surprise address at the Rose Garden.
- He predicted the US would be making diplomatic moves on Greenland. True.

- He said the US would be pulling all troops out of Afghanistan. This was confirmed within the month.
- He claimed earthquakes would be hitting Iran's nuclear facilities in December. Yep.
- There were FOUR facilities hit, not the three made public. Also true.

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