Learn Web Development for FREE


1. https://t.co/esfDhdHHxJ

Web Fundamentals by Google has everything you need to learn as a complete begginer. Text and video content by experts.

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2. https://t.co/00FApVyJqP

W3Schools is one of the most popular place to learn web development technologies with exercises and live editor.

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3. https://t.co/g5QIUcgQTe

MDN Web Docs is a huge documentation repository and learning resource for web developers used by Mozilla, Google etc. Its really helpful when you get stuck.

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4. https://t.co/869dJdBEy0

Free Code Camp is a non-profit organisation which helps people learn to code for free. Over 3000+ hours of free content.

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5. https://t.co/IYy1HP3yjN

Coursera is a fantastic site which have free video content to learn web development and more.

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6. https://t.co/DvNgCj0KqH

Code Academy contains both text and video resources to learn web development and programming for free in a easy way.

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7. https://t.co/hUwGkD8DXs

Edx provide free programming video content which cover the important concepts thaught by an expert.

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8. https://t.co/otlAYFP8dZ

Allison contains 3k+ high quality courses from the world's leading experts.

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9. https://t.co/qsa24ll7Xc

Khan Academy is a useful website to learn web development and more programming concepts. Everything for free.

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10. https://t.co/yVBeTC62JV

GeeksforGeeks contains well-written programming articles, quizzes, and more. Its a useful site when get stuck.

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Thank you for reading!

Hey, I'm Savio 👋
I write daily threads on web development and developer resources.

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More from Savio Martin ⚡️

GitHub Repositories to Crush any Programming Interview 🔥

Take advantage of these amazing GitHub repositories to land your dream job.

A Thread 🧵👇


Coding Interview University is a complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.

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2. https://t.co/eh64u3MndC

Tech Interview Handbook has curated interview preparation materials for busy engineers.

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3. https://t.co/u60cXhUQO2

This repo contains a huge list of 1000 JavaScript Interview Questions.

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4. https://t.co/mmgCIz1huT

JavaScript Algorithms has JavaScript based examples of many popular algorithms and data structures explained.

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Best YouTube Channels to learn Web Development

A Thread 🧵👇️

1. FreeCodeCamp

FreeCodeCamp is a non-profit organisation that'll teach to learn to code for free.

https://t.co/TfMCxjaE0r 🔗

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2. Traversy Media

Traversy Media creates crash courses to learn programming in a very easy way. He also collaborates with great creators.

https://t.co/EwwtdO0vRw 🔗

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3. codeSTACKr

codeSTACKr creates useful content on web development including HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

https://t.co/4Pww7BcMRd 🔗

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4. Code with Ania Kubów

Ania Kubów is a software developer who creates videos on building amazing apps from scratch.

https://t.co/6Hwrfiirw3 🔗

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I gathered the tools for your next startup 🛠️

Save 100+ hours on researching.
(A thread🧵)

https://t.co/IRYiRdwOMr 🔗

The modern way to build for the web with No Code.
Price: Free 💸

https://t.co/Psv4XJ7Gwo 🔗

Amazing design tool for 3D web experiences.
Price: Free 💸

https://t.co/tNsg0GeDUB 🔗

Preview 800+ Google Fonts on top of your own designs.
Price: Free 💸

https://t.co/dUntwOzInT 🔗

The best collaborative interface design tool.
Price: Free + Paid 💸
Useful GitHub Repositories every developer should know 🔥

List of 15 awesome GitHub repositories to save hours and increase productivity as a Web Developer.

A Thread 🧵👇


Useful visual roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2021.

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2. https://t.co/YGx0aU8eyY

Useful lists about all kinds of interesting topics and technologies.

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3. https://t.co/AOoPTNZhR0

Freely available programming books for all technologies.

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4. https://t.co/dNTmL9FmJd

Useful computer science study plan to become a software engineer.

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Best YouTube Channels to learn Web Development

A Thread 🧵👇️

1. FreeCodeCamp

FreeCodeCamp is a non-profit organisation that'll teach to learn to code for free.

https://t.co/TfMCxjaE0r 🔗

{ 1 / 10 }

2. Traversy Media

Traversy Media creates crash courses to learn programming in a very easy way. He also collaborates with great creators.

https://t.co/EwwtdO0vRw 🔗

{ 2 / 10 }

3. codeSTACKr

codeSTACKr creates useful content on web development including HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

https://t.co/4Pww7BcMRd 🔗

{ 3 / 10 }

4. Code with Ania Kubów

Ania Kubów is a software developer who creates videos on building amazing apps from scratch.

https://t.co/6Hwrfiirw3 🔗

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