Level: Beginner to Medium

➊ Introduction to RDBMS
➋ Normalisation
➌ Introduction to SQL
➍ Tables and Fields
➎ Constraints
➑ Joins
➊ Introduction to RDBMS

➀ What is a Database?
➁ What are different types of Databases?
➂ What is DBMS?
➃ What is difference between Database and DBMS?
➄ What is RDBMS?
➅ Which are popular RDBMS vendors?
➆ What is ACID property in Database?
➋ Normalisation

➀ What is Normalisation?
➁ Why is Normalisation necessary?
➂ What are the disadvantages of not performing Normalisation?
➃ What are different Normal Forms (NF)?
➄ What is Denormalisation?
➌ Introduction to SQL

➀ What is SQL?
➁ What is the use of SQL?
➂ Is SQL a programming language?
➃ What are the different parts of SQL?
➄ Group SQL commands in different parts.
➅ What is DDL?
➆ What is DML?
➇ What is DQL?
➈ What is DCL?
➉ What is TCL?
➍ Tables and Fields

➀ What is a Table?
➁ What is a field in a Table?
➂ Write a SQL command to create a Table.
➃ How to change the name of a Table?
➄ How to truncate a table?
➅ How to drop a table?
➎ Constraints

➀ What is a constraint?
➁ What are different levels of constraints?
➂ Give examples of various constraints?
➃ What is a primary key?
➄ What is a unique key?
➅ Difference between a primary key and a unique key.
➆ What is a foreign key?
➇ What is NULL value?
➈ What is NOT NULL constraint?
➉ Is blank space or Zero (0) same as NULL?

➀ Give some examples of DDL commands
➁ Write the syntax of creating a table
➂ How to specify the default value for a column?
➃ How to specify a foreign key?
➄ How to specify a unique key?
➅ How to specify multiple columns as the primary key?
➆ What are different constraints you can add to a column while creating a table?
➇ How to create a copy of a table? (both structure and, data)
➈ You have 'n' tables and asked to create a separate table which will contain a few columns from these tables with data being copied.
➉ What is SELECT INTO used for? (In SQL Server)
➀➀ Difference between ALTER and RENAME
➀➁ Can a previously nullable column be altered to a NOT NULL column? If yes, explain the steps.

➀ How to insert rows into a table?
➁ What are different syntaxes for inserting records into a table?
➂ What is the syntax to insert multiple records at a time?
➃ How to update data in a table?
➄ How to delete a row in a table?
➅ Difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE?
➆ Explain how DML operations are performed on a View.
➇ Are Views used only for SELECT queries?
➈ How to fetch rows of a table?
➉ What is a query condition? How to write it in SQL?
➀➀ How to sort the fetched records?
➀➁ What is grouping? How to write in SQL?
➀➂ How to find how many records are being fetched?
➀➃ How to find the maximum and minimum value for a field in fetched records?
➀➄ How to sum values in a field for all records?
➑ Joins

➀ What is a join in SQL?
➁ What are the different types of joins?
➂ What is Inner Join?
➃ What is Left Outer Join?
➄ What is Right Outer Join?
➅ What is Full Outer Join?
➆ What is Cross Join?
➇ What is a Self Join?
➈ What is Equi Join?
➉ What is Natural Join?

➀➀ Given a query in Cross Join, convert it into an Inner Join.

➀➁ Given a query in Right Outer Join, convert it into a Left Outer Join.
➀➂ Convert an Inner Join into an Equi Join.
➀➃ What is required to convert an Inner Join into an Equi Join?

➀➄ What should be taken care of to improve the performance of queries containing Joins.
🚥 Disclaimer

⬘ The questions covered here are mostly conceptual

⬗ I never claim only these types of questions are/should be asked during interviews

⬙ For interviews, you should have fundamentals strong. And you should be able to provide solutions to practical problems.
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I am a Tech Educator and, Mentor from India 🇮🇳

I am sharing Tutorials, Tips, Techniques, Infographics, Cheat Sheets, Practice Questions, Project Ideas and Roadmaps on Web Development, DSA and, Databases.

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More from Swapna Kumar Panda

🛣 Beginner's Roadmap for Front-End

HTML & CSS → 👩‍💻 → JavaScript → 👩‍💻

👩‍💻 ← React* ← 👩‍💻 ← Tailwind*

TypeScript → 👩‍💻 → Next.js* → 👩‍💻 → 🏁

What would we cover?

➋ JavaScript
➌ CSS Frameworks
➍ UI Frameworks
➎ TypeScript
➏ Server-side Frameworks
➐ Practice, Practice and, Practice
➑ Other Skills
➒ Frequently Asked Questions


⬘ Your Front-End journey shall always start from HTML & CSS and, ends with these as well.

⬗ Don't over burden yourself to learn everything at once. It's a continuous subject.

⬙ Do not separate HTML from CSS. That's

➋ JavaScript

JavaScript is essential. You should start with basics and move to complex subjects.

❍ JavaScript Syntaxes
(preferably ES6 onwards)
❍ Event Handling
❍ Fetch

➌ CSS Frameworks

CSS Framework is necessary if you are planning to be a professional developer.

There are so many options available.

❍ Tailwind CSS
❍ Bootstrap
❍ Chakra
❍ Bulma
❍ Foundation
❍ Skeleton
❍ Pure CSS

Start with anything. You can switch any time.

More from Webdev

12 websites that will help you learn web development faster (completely free): 🧵

1. How HTTP Works

Everything you need to know about HTTP based system.


2. 30 Days of Node

Learn Node step by step with interactive examples and code snippet in 30 days.

🔗 https://t.co/9nbtMiNB1C

3. How DNS Works

Learn what happens when you type a website address in your browser

🔗 https://t.co/SqMRNnDbc3

4. Git

Check out this excellent free website to learn git visually.

🔗 https://t.co/rQJMISBDfS
Use these 5 websites to learn web development for free in 2023 (take a look):

1. Codedamn

All-in-one platform for learning web development:

• Hands-on practice and projects bundled
• Video content along with interactive labs, quizzes, and articles
• Every course comes with a certificate
• code brushes AI in playgrounds


2. Codepip

Codepip is the platform for your favorite web development games. Gain an edge in your following interview or project.

🔗 https://t.co/MjHNsLvkiL

3. RapidAPI Comics

Learn API development with RapidAPI Comics (sketch notes and fun analogies).

🔗 https://t.co/KONorFomgu

4. JS Visualizer 9000

Learn JavaScript by visualizing your code.

🔗 https://t.co/9NId4GjGAq
Are you a web developer?

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1. HTML5UP: Very modern, unique responsive HTML5/CSS3 themes

2. Templatemo: Minimal, resume, gallery themes and more

3. Templated .co: Tons of minimalistic HTML5/CSS3

4. FreeHTML5: Free & premium HTML5 and Bootstrap themes

5. StyleShout: Brilliantly crafted free website templates

6. Start Bootstrap: Bootstrap starter

7. Zerotheme: HTML5, Bootstrap, Prestashop templates

8. HTML5xCSS3: Collection of wonderful templates in different categories

9. Colorlib: Almost any category of theme you can think

10: Free CSS: Huge collection of free templates

11. Hubspot: Templates, infographics, banners and much more

12. Mobirise: Great looking HTML5/CSS3

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