Donald Trump has repeatedly disavowed David Duke, Richard Spencer, white supremacists, the KKK, and neo-nazis, etc. since well before 2000 These people and groups have nothing to do with Trump or his supporters, but Democrats simply refuse to hear

There are many more examples as shown in the above video, but here are 15 times that Donald Trump has denounced white supremacists, the KKK, neo-nazis, David Duke, and racists of all types, etc., etc. ...
The FACTS are that Donald Trump is NOT a racist nor has he ever been a racist.
Joe Biden, HOWEVER, is an actual bona fide racist. A life long racist in fact. Read the following FULL thread for an good accounting (with documentation!) of Joe's 50-year long political history of being a racist and of supporting racists.
Do you know that white supremacist Richard Spencer endorsed Joe Biden for president ... TWICE! Clearly he knows a fellow racist when he sees one and he clearly sees one in Joe.
And, it's not just Joe who's the racist. In 2016 the KKK endorsed and donated $20K to Hillary Clinton. They also reaffirmed that they ARE STILL DEMOCRATS and that Hillary is ONE OF THEM! They also know fellow racists when they see them. This is straight from the horse's mouth...
... AND this is not some isolated and one-off statement. Here they are once again reinforcing their support for Hillary Clinton ...
Nor is it just Hillary and Joe who are racists, but most of the Democratic Party is as well! Here are regrettable and racist quotes from Democrat leaders and heroes clearly demonstrating their party's outright racism. Deny this Democrats ...
Democrats forget history is carved in stone; that they're the Party of slavery; the KKK, Jim Crow; segregation, ANTI-Civil Rights; cross-burnings, and lynchings, etc., and that the Republican Party was founded in 1854 to END their institution of slavery:
And, forget the "big switch" bullshit. We know it's a Democrat LIE to escape from under THEIR sins. PROOF that the Parties never switched:

@threadreaderapp unroll

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