It’s interesting that so many people are talking about the issue systemic racism & white supremacy like it’s a new phenomenon & a new discussion. This county’s foundation is racist. From the moment the architects of the nation purposely exterminated native Americans &

kidnapped scores of Black people & subjected them to slavery to build it’s economy, while creating myths & legends & lies about America to justify her racist nature, this has been a racist nation. White supremacy & systemic racism is not new. It may seem new to those who are
finally awakening to its brutal & dehumanizing reality, but it has been clear to Black people for 401 years that this nation is racist. America still struggles because she doesn’t want to face herself & she doesn’t want to pay the price for change. She had rather continue
to believe the lies she has told herself about herself. As a rule, the privileged prefer those lies in order to maintain their privilege & not have to live with the guilt that the Truth generates when the lie is exposed. Meanwhile those of us victimized by a racist system have to
continue to simultaneously fight to survive while also fighting to dismantle this demonic system. We’ve done it, along with woke allies, for centuries & the struggle continues. But please know that just because it’s new to you doesn’t mean that it new. And if you are a novice
about it’s nature but committed to change, then learn by being humble enough to talk less & listen more. Then engage the difficult task of struggle. What we are seeing now is not new forces creating division, we are seeing old forces exposing division that has always existed.
And those white evangelicals who accuse justice loving followers of Christ of creating division & claim that doing so is unbiblical & unChristlike have not read or do not understand the nature of the ministry of the master. Jesus himself said “Do you think I have come to
bring peace? No but a sword...” the principe behind the declaration is not violence but conviction. Jesus is revealing that there comes a time when you must choose the side of truth & realize that to declare that truth is to create a division between darkness & light,
hatred & love, justice & injustice, racism & equality, right & wrong. And if standing up for justice divides (or exposes the division that already exists in America), then let their be division. Let there be division so that we can clearly see where people stand. Let
there be division so that we can identify & expose the illness so that we can properly treat it & save this nation. Let their be division so that we can reveal what true justice, love, mercy, unity, & compassion really looks like. Let there be division so that the lies of white
supremacy is exposed in white institutions, including in the church, especially in the church, until racist whites who claim to name the name of Jesus do the hard, humble work of repenting so that true reconciliation takes among us, so that together we can carry on the work of
salvation until “justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.” Until then, please know that we will not cower or quit in the face of racism wherever we see it. We will call it out until it is exposed to the healing properties of the open air of
public Truth telling & critique. And we will continue to fight until every vestige of systemic racism & white supremacy is eliminated from this nation or we die trying. The struggle continues...✊🏿❤️🙏🏿

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