Epic thread incoming:

I'm going to answer the question so many people have been asking this week:


Here's the definitive thread to tell you - and show you -precisely what Project X is

Grab a drink, sit down with me and let's #TalkLiberation



"Project X" is actually called "PanQuake".

Pan means "all". Quake is the huge effect our voices can have when our communications are uncensored and when we have access to brand new functionality that *enhances* our social reach, rather than diminishes it

Here's our logo:

You can follow the fledgling official PanQuake Twitter account here: @pan_quake and see our super cool new website here: https://t.co/F7wLSeM6aK

You can find our donation page here: https://t.co/VICFnsR0RX

Keep reading this thread to find out why we created it & what it is

SPOILER ALERT: Much of the content below this point is from my personal slides & speech notes from today's launch event. That stream got totally ruined by (big) tech problems, but I'm happy to report everything is turning out wonderfully regardless:


Here are some of our most high profile & dedicated public advocates for PanQuake - many of whom were scheduled to appear at our launch. All of whom stuck around for hours, to do a prerecord of the event, which is being edited, processed & uploaded for you as I write this.

When you see that stream, you also get to meet many of our amazing staff, which now number more than 20 volunteers, giving their time & love & effort to bring PanQuake to the world.

Those qualified, caring people are fulfilling the following roles in our company:

Our team has been building this product for months. All of our backend architectural documentation (blockchain, blockchain process, core, network, server) has been nailed down, along with our front-end UI/UX design docs. Here's where our project is at so far:

Technical stuff aside, this build has a backstory to it. A painful backstory that will resonate with many, because we are all being victimised by big tech, corporations & governments who want to prevent us having free access to information.

PanQuake exists to counter that

That story for me, mostly started with the Twitter core functionality changes last September. These are the analytics for my person account from August 2020 through to this month. The data is revealing. Counterintuitively, although my reach plummeted, my mentions didn't.

This means that even as my reach was halving and halving again, approximately the same amount of people were still engaging with me.

ie. the same amount of people were viewing my profile & talking to me, but far less new ppl than before were being exposed to my content.

Attached is my opening speech from tonight's event. When you see the full video, you'll see me speaking to this in much more detail. But for now, here is the beginning of what I said word for word.

Summary: we are in an abusive relationship with big tech and we must end it

This screen quotes what I was told by a very mainstream, non-activist, non-content creator, non-techie woman who had never used any social media except Facebook.

Her level of awareness as to the damage that big tech was causing to her life amazed me

I remembered that Julian Assange had talked in years past, about the increasing problems with censorship by big tech platforms.

I searched up his old tweet and found this: Julian talking about what he called "the filterverse of one"

2nd image: our visual depiction of it

In 2017 Julian Assange called for a decentralised/cryptographic alternative.

So we decided to fulfill his vision and create a product capable of breaking the "filterverse" that he had so presciently described would end up confining us all.

Now we get into the 'how'.

By creating a short messaging service, on our own custom blockchain for transparency, with groundbreaking totally NEW functionality, supported by our users! (*Not* supported by VC, advertisers, corporations, governments or security agencies!!!)

To make that viable, we need to charge registered users a small monthly fee - $5 a month. For those that are struggling with the basics & can't afford it, we will have gift accounts & compassionate accounts.

Here's what $5 per month will get PanQuake users:

Some months ago, I started canvassing Twitter users I know, asking them to tell me everything they hated about this platform.

On the left: their problems, as they were told to me

On the right: How PanQuake architecturally solves their problems

Solving problems with existing systems is just a baseline for PanQuake.

We wanted to offer users much more than just that.

We wanted to bring you powerful, cool, life-changing functionality to that no other platform has.

So we designed it & based it all on altruism.

I studied big tech user workflows & counted clicks. I discovered they deliberately increase loading times, extra clicks & other timewasting stuff, so they can falsely inflate the time users spend on their site, to bump the platform up in ranking engines & attract more ad $$

PanQuake by comparison, will not seek or accept money from ad companies, corporations, venture capital or investors

Therefore we don't care what our ranking is. Therefore we can - and have - design every single aspect of our systems and user interface for user convenience

Not only will we not accept investment - we won't sell our company.

How can you trust that? Because we made sure there's nothing to sell.

No user data at all cos we don't collect it.

No central servers (no client/server model)

Our network exists only on user's devices

Want to know more about the architecture, design, build, implementation, testing, deployment & delivery plan for PanQuake?

Next Saturday (23rd) we will hold a tech deep-dive stream, then broadcast monthly public delivery meetings thereafter.

Join us!

Not so fussed on the techie stuff but dying to get to try out PanQuake?

Visit https://t.co/3nppEyRZJh and follow the 3 steps posted there, then tell as many people as possible to do the same.

Donating will get you regular progress updates & expedite the build process

There is mountains more to what PanQuake is, what plans we have in store for it and how our supporters, staff & public advocates feel about the product. You'll get to hear some of that with the impending release of our launch vid & more in coming weeks...

But for now, regular people are employing word of mouth to already shape this campaign into a success

With no corporate or MSM backing, no big advertising or PR dollars, we will have to be the little engine that could

With your love & help, that's exactly what we'll be

We live in a really dark world right now, where very few opportunities for meaningful change arise

So when they do, its more important than ever that we grab them with both hands & don't let go

Our strength will be the strength you lend us through your participation

Persistent campaigning to raise awareness about https://t.co/3nppEyRZJh at the person-to-person, grassroots level will be really key

Being an overnight success is nowhere near as good as achieving organic growth

So we must #talkliberation every day until we achieve it



More from Science

Hugh Everett's birthday! Pioneer of the Many-Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics. Let us celebrate by thinking about ontological extravagance. I will do so by way of analogy, because I have found that everyone loves analogies and nobody ever willfully misconstrues them.

We look at the night sky and see photons arriving to us, emitted by distant stars. Let's contrast two different theories about how stars emit photons.

One theory says, we know how stars shine, and our equations predict that they emit photons roughly uniformly in all directions. Call this the "Many-Photons Interpretation" (MPI).

But! Others object. That is *so many photons*. Most of which we don't observe, and can't observe, since they're moving away at the speed of light. It's too ontologically extravagant to posit a huge number of unobservable things!

So they suggest a "Photon Collapse Interpretation." According to this theory, the photons emitted toward us actually exist. But photons that would be emitted in directions we will never observe simply collapse into utter non-existence.

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Knowledge & Bharat : Part V

The Curriculum of Vedic Education :
According to the Ancient Indian theory of education, the training of the mind & the process of thinking, are essential for the acquisition of knowledge.


Vedic Education System delivered outstanding results.  These were an outcome of the context in which it functioned.  Understanding them is critical in the revival of such a system in modern times. 
The Shanthi Mantra spells out the context of the Vedic Education System.

It says:

ॐ सह नाववतु ।
सह नौ भुनक्तु ।
सह वीर्यं करवावहै ।
तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु मा विद्विषावहै ।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

“Aum. May we both (the guru and disciples) together be protected. May we both be nourished and enriched. May we both bring our hands together and work

with great energy, strength and enthusiasm from the space of powerfulness. May our study and learning together illuminate both with a sharp, absolute light of higher intelligence. So be it.”

The students started the recitation of the Vedic hymns in early hours of morning.

The chanting of Mantras had been evolved into the form of a fine art. Special attention was paid to the correct pronunciation of words, Pada or even letters. The Vedic knowledge was imparted by the Guru or the teacher to the pupil through regulated and prescribed pronunciation,