Ct values can be used to estimate epidemic dynamics UPDATE! Ct values are expected to change depending on whether the epidemic is growing or declining, and we harness this to estimate the epidemic trajectory. Lots of cool new analyses and methods!

- Cts from symptom-based surveillance change over time, but the effect is weaker
- Methods to infer incidence using single cross-sections of Cts
- Unbiased by changing testing coverage
- Gaussian process (wiggly line) model for incidence tracking using Ct values
This work is *JOINTLY led* with @LeekShaffer and PI’d by @michaelmina_lab. Thank you also to the ever insightful @mlipsitch and to coauthors @SanjatKanjilal @gabriel_stacey and @nialljlennon. 3/12
Premise: times since infection depend on the epidemic trajectory. Distributions of randomly sampled viral loads proxy times since infection. With calibration, Ct values can estimate growth rate. We focus on qPCR in SARS-CoV-2, but the principle applies to any outbreak. 4/12
Result 1: viral loads are shifted higher (Cts lower) during epidemic growth and lower (Cts higher) during decline when individuals are sampled *based on the onset of symptoms*. We simulated linelist data under symptom-based surveillance and looked at TSI and Cts over time. 5/12
This is crucial when considering virulence in emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants. Lower Cts over time do not *necessarily* mean newly dominant variants have higher virulence. If incidence of a new variant is increasing, then we expect to see more recent infections and lower Cts. 6/12
**However, the effect is smaller than under random surveillance, so I would not rule out the possibility of increased virulence.** But important to consider. Thank you to @charliewhittak for chatting through this! 7/12
Result 2: we reconstructed the epidemic curve using single-cross sectional samples from well-observed nursing homes, finding that single cross sections using the full Ct distribution provided similar insights to point prevalence across three sample times. 8/12
Result 3: we compared Ct-based to case-count based methods when testing is changing. Rt estimates are biased when testing is increasing or decreasing (not a problem with the method, just the data!). Our method uses the Ct distribution so does not care about test numbers. 9/12
Result 4: we use multiple cross-sectional samples to reconstruct incidence without making assumptions about the trajectory shape (a Gaussian “wiggly” process model). We can track the incidence curve in MA using routinely collected hospital tests. 10/12
… and here is a gif that reminds me of a nematode worm. Every week we add on a new cross section of Cts and accurately track true incidence (in simulation, red line). 11/12
Conclusion: we are generating loads of (semi) quantitative data in the form of Cts. We can harness these to get unbiased estimates of the epidemic trajectory. Hopefully these ideas will help public health surveillance efforts and interpret data in the light of new variants. 12/12

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JUST ONE PERSON—UK 🇬🇧 scientists think one immunocompromised person who cleared virus slowly & only partially wiped out an infection, leaving behind genetically-hardier viruses that rebound & learn how to survive better. That’s likely how #B117 started. 🧵 https://t.co/bMMjM8Hiuz

2) The leading hypothesis is that the new variant evolved within just one person, chronically infected with the virus for so long it was able to evolve into a new, more infectious form.

same thing happened in Boston in another immunocompromised person that was sick for 155 days.

3) What happened in Boston with one 45 year old man who was highly infectious for 155 days straight before he died... is exactly what scientists think happened in Kent, England that gave rise to #B117.

4) Doctors were shocked to find virus has evolved many different forms inside of this one immunocompromised man. 20 new mutations in one virus, akin to the #B117. This is possibly how #B1351 in South Africa 🇿🇦 and #P1 in Brazil 🇧🇷 also evolved.

5) “On its own, the appearance of a new variant in genomic databases doesn’t tell us much. “That’s just one genome amongst thousands every week. It wouldn’t necessarily stick out,” says Oliver Pybus, a professor of evolution and infectious disease at Oxford.

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