Here's everything you need to know about the math for machine learning.

(+ free resources )

Before diving into the math, I suggest first having solid programming skills.

For example👇

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In Python, these are the concepts which you must know:

- Object oriented programming in Python : Classes, Objects, Methods
- List slicing
- String formatting
- Dictionaries & Tuples
- Basic terminal commands
- Exception handling

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If you want to learn those concepts for python, these courses are freecodecamp could be of help to you.

🔗Intermediate :youtube∙com/watch?v=HGOBQPFzWKo

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👉You need to have really strong fundamentals in programming, because machine learning involves a lot of it.

It is 100% compulsory.

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👉Another question that I get asked quite often is when should you even start learning the math for machine learning?

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👉Math for machine learning should come after you have worked on a project or two, doesn't have to a complex one at all, but one that gives you a taste of how machine learning works.

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👉Here's how I do it, I look at the math when I have a need for it.

For instance I was recently competing in a kaggle machine learning challenge.

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I was brainstorming about which activation function to use in a part of my neural net, I looked up the math behind each activation function and this helped me to choose the right one.

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The topics of math you'll have to focus on for machine learning
- Linear Algebra
- Calculus
- Trigonometry
- Algebra
- Statistics
- Probability

Now here are the resources and a brief description about them.

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Neural Networks
> A series of videos that go over how neural networks work with approach visual, must watch.

🔗youtube. com/watch?v=aircAruvnKk&list=PLZHQObOWTQDNU6R1_67000Dx_ZCJB-3pi

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Seeing Theory
> This website helps you learn statistics and probability in an intuitive way.

🔗seeing-theory. brown. edu/basic-probability/index.html

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Gilbert Strang's lectures on Linear Algebra (MIT)

> This is 15 years old but still 100% relevant today!
Despite the fact these lectures are made for freshman college students at MIT,I found it very easy to follow👌

🔗youtube. com/playlist?list=PL49CF3715CB9EF31D

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Essence of Linear Algebra
> A beautiful playlist of videos which teach you linear algebra through visualisations in an easy to digest manner

🔗youtube. com/watch?v=fNk_zzaMoSs&list=PLZHQObOWTQDPD3MizzM2xVFitgF8hE_ab

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Khan Academy
>The resource you must refer to when you forget something or want to revise a topic super quick

🔗khanacademy. org/math

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Essence of calculus
> A beautiful series on calculus, makes everything seem super simple.

🔗youtube. com/watch?v=WUvTyaaNkzM&list=PL0-GT3co4r2wlh6UHTUeQsrf3mlS2lk6x

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The math for Machine learning e-book

> This book is for someone who knows quite a decent amount of high school math like trignometry, calculus, I suggest reading this after having the fundamentals down on khan academy.

mml-book. github .io

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If you found this thread helpful then don't forget to follow me, it takes a ton of effort to write these threads and your support keeps me going. 🔥🙏

Good luck in your machine learning journey!

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More from Pratham Prasoon

More from Machine learning

Starting a new project using #Angular? Here is a list of all the stuff i use to launch my projects the fastest i can.


Have you heard about Monorepo? I created one with all my Angular (and Nest) projects using

I can share A LOT of code with it. Ex: Everytime i start a new project, i just need to import an Auth lib, that i created, and all Auth related stuff is set up.

Everyone in the Angular community knows about It's not the most beautiful component library out there, but it's good and easy to work with.

There's a bunch of state management solutions for Angular, but is by far my favorite.

There's a lot of boilerplate, but you can solve this with the built-in schematics and/or with your own schematics

Are you not using custom schematics yet? Take a look at this:

You can automate all the boilerplate with hundreds of files associates with creating a new feature.
10 machine learning YouTube videos.

On libraries, algorithms, and tools.

(If you want to start with machine learning, having a comprehensive set of hands-on tutorials you can always refer to is fundamental.)


1⃣ Notebooks are a fantastic way to code, experiment, and communicate your results.

Take a look at @CoreyMSchafer's fantastic 30-minute tutorial on Jupyter Notebooks.

2⃣ The Pandas library is the gold-standard to manipulate structured data.

Check out @joejamesusa's "Pandas Tutorial. Intro to DataFrames."

3⃣ Data visualization is key for anyone practicing machine learning.

Check out @blondiebytes's "Learn Matplotlib in 6 minutes" tutorial.

4⃣ Another trendy data visualization library is Seaborn.

@NewThinkTank put together "Seaborn Tutorial 2020," which I highly recommend.

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