Why you need to be selfish: (thread)

I have had countless conversations with people looking for a way to build a brand/audience/community online.

Here's the one thing I think everyone asking that question should be thinking about.
You need to be selfish.


Because (at a high level) if it helps you, it will eventually help others.

At a tactical level, it's provides the motivation to keep going.
The lack of instant feedback on what we share publically is enough to extinguish most projects before they even get moving.

But allow me to reframe the idea:

You need to do things that benefit you even if no one sees them.
Did posting @visualizevalue images into a void 18 months ago do anything for my career as a designer?


Would I have kept going if there wasn't some selfish drive to be more competent? (and make more money, work with better clients, etc)

Same applies to quite literally anything you're doing.

If it doesn't benefit you in a vacuum, chances are it won't help anyone else either.

Everything has to survive without external feedback initially.
This thread was inspired by a chat I had with @bzaidi, you can see how it applies to a few people you might have heard of in the thread below:


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