one thing I’m extremely glad I have done- is create a “hive mind” of my own

in my cell phone notes

I never lack inspiration because I can always go deeper into my own brain- but here’s how I set it up

(mini thread)

I’ve talked extensively about building our your vision, so have people like @FrazzleDazzzled & many others on here.

It starts there. I’ve done this maybe 10-15 times.

Literally just write out IN DEPTH what you want to be in 5 or 10 years.
Has to all be first person, past tense, affirmative, statements personal to you.

Here’s a good primer about this subject that I’ve written:
But anyway, you have the grandiose overlaying idea of who you want to be.

Some of it may be an interest, but not in the immediate short term action plan.

You need to make a call on that. Like me, I love music. Wanna produce/create/etc

But have bigger priorities right now.
So this is where the “hive mind” comes into play.

I create a short term priority list, and systemize a scheduled process around getting done goals from that.

Did that again this morning.
But then the “hive mind” is something for you to brain dump as you go and keep learning.

So I create a master note of “Hive Mind”

And will jot down every area of life. (Business, Athletics/Body/Health research, Music, Game, Investing, Philosophical shit, etc and more)
I will jot down meta concepts in that note under each major category. So far fitness stuff, that looks like health, nutrition, mobility, strength, hypertrophy, athletic dev.

Then, I create a separate note in my phone for each of these major categories (Fitness)
And list keywords under meta concept, so that I can always go there and have a mental map laid out.

So for example, fitness (category) -> athletic dev (meta concept) -> functional patterns, GOATA, hyperarch, ATG, old school Russian ideology (keywords)
Just words w personal exp placed there so a quick glance will bring back ideas

This allows me to continue building on ideas I’ve had, and also free up mental capacity because I don’t have to “remember” anything. It’s all there

I’ve been doing this in some fashion since I was 18
But intensively since I dropped out 2.5 years ago.

And I think it’s a process that allows me to learn faster than anyone else. As well as gradually get smarter because my brain is organized.

Maybe it will help you. Maybe it won’t

But thought I’d share. Happy Sunday!

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