BREAKING: at least six men that provided security for Roger Stone entered the #Capitol during the siege, per a @nytimes visual investigation.

All six are associated with the far-right #OathKeepers militia.



2/ On January 5th, Stone appeared at the Supreme Court, glad-handing and being driven in a go-kart. Later he attended a rally near the White House.

As the @nytimes team shows, his security entourage featured a host of #OathKeepers...
3/ In the morning of the 6th, Stone stood outside the Willard InterContinental hotel, again flanked by men associated with the #OathKeepers.

Some of them, like Rob Minuta, have been named in prior reporting.

4/ Interesting detail: while scrutinizing the video of Roger Stone I spotted Rudy Giuliani exiting the same hotel.

Giuliani is accompanied by a man wearing the same outfit as Trump supporter John Eastman & other not-yet ID'd people.

Video source:
5/ Now to the #Capitol: We see a several of Roger Stone's #OathKeeper guards amidst a larger group yelling at police. Video surfaced by the @CTExposers team.👇👇
6/ KEY EVIDENCE: here are the six men linked to the #OathKeepers that guarded Roger Stone... now inside the #Capitol, participating in the insurrection.
7/ Here's Roger Stone's latest statement, as quoted by the @nytimes.

Important to remember. Stone also claimed that he never left his hotel room on the 6th. Then video emerged showing that he had...

See below tweet👇
8/ The @nytimes visual investigations team (@trbrtc @btdecker @dwtkns @arielle_designs @_stella_cooper) did an amazing job! They worked through & validated an enormous volume of visual materials to present this story.
9/ Please also join me in recognizing...some of the helpers: the tireless
@CTExposers team seriously assisted several reporting teams, including the @nytimes dig into this case.

The outpouring of volunteer effort around the #Capitol siege is outstanding. Much more to come.
10/ Also check out this excellent thread on the #OathKeepers around Roger Stone that went inside the #Capitol by @trbrtc of the @nytimes with lots of additional context 👇👇
11/ KEY for future investigation: @trbrtc points out that after exiting the #Capitol all six of these men associated with the #OathKeepers gathered around leader Elmer Stuart Rhodes.

More from Legal

These people weren't murdered. They were legally executed after convictions for horrendous crimes, being sentenced to the death penalty, and going through countless appeals.

You can oppose the death penalty as a punishment without pretending that the people executed were victims or that carrying out those executions is comparable to murder.

As an example: Daniel Lee was a white supremacist who murdered a family (including an 8-year-old girl) by suffocating them with bags and then dumping their bodies in a swamp.

That's whose name @CoriBush wants you to remember.

Wesley Purkey admitted to kidnapping, raping, and then murdering a 16-year-old girl named Jennifer Long. He then dismembered her body. He also beat an 80-year-old woman to death.

Maybe we should learn the names of his victims instead, @CoriBush?

Dustin Honken was a meth dealer that murdered 5 people, including 2 girls under the age of 11, because their dad was set to testify against him on drug charges. He was specifically sentenced to death for killing the 2 kids.

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