Never forget that 2020 was the year that Black, Indigenous and otherwise racialized journalists in Canada stopped whispering and said it all out loud. In the order that I remember:

"Objectivity is a privilege afforded to white journalists," @Pacinthe on her time at CBC
Imani Walker, while still at the CBC, takes on one of its biggest names
"For Black women in media, a 'dream job' is a myth," @KathleenNB on her time at CTV
"Black Canadian voices are more visible now than ever — but will corporations act before this month’s motivation wanes?" @MorganPCampbell on his time at the Star
Here's Chatelaine Woman of the Year Christine Genier on her time at CBC, she read this live on air 🔥
Here's a looooong CBC post put together by @Ronna_Syed
TSN anchor @Kayla_Grey, another Chatelaine Woman of the Year,
broke so much ground and never backed down.
Wow, there really is a lot. @stacyleekong I can't find yours!
Vice (@ManishaKrishnan) talked to @supriyadwivedi about her time at Corus
Here's me on my time at the Globe and Mail, which I couldn't have written without the support of everyone at @Chatelaine.

Gotta run, please add what I forgot, it all matters. Thank you all for all you've done and here's to keeping it up in 2021 🥂

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