Thread... Ok so here we go...

H.R.127- Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act

(Introduced 01/04/2021)
Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]

• Mandate the firearm and ammunition registration in the US.

• The Attorney General would issue a license to possess firearms or ammunition to individuals.
• It would require the owner of a firearm to give the make, model, the serial number of the firearm, and ammunition, the identity of the owner, the date the firearm was acquired, and where it will be stored.
• The attorney general would be required to make a public database of the gun & ammo registry accessible by federal, state, and local governments, including the military – even the GENERAL PUBLIC! (you're next door neighbor, random criminal looking to rob you)
• Need a gun-owner to pass a full psychological evaluation to have license to purchase ammo or gun, psych eval. to include your household and interviewing your family.

Example: spouse, ur ex spouse, and "at least 2 other persons who are members of the family.
• Licenses will be denied to individuals hospitalized for issues such as depressive episodes; no duration for license disability is specified, and it does not matter whether the individual sought help voluntarily.
• For antique firearms and individuals could apply for license to display the firearm in their residence. To display an antique, applicants have to prove they own an antique firearm, describe how they will display it, and demonstrate that they have “safe” storage for it.
• “Military Style Weapons” would require an additional license and undergo 24 hours of safety & live fire training. I believe this is in addition to the base 24 hours of training required to possess firearms and ammunition.
• “Military-style weapons” are defined as they are under assault weapons bans like those in CA & NJ – weapons are identified by name or because they possess two or more features found on commonly owned, modern semiautomatic firearms such as an adjustable stock, pistol grip, etc.
• Prohibit the sell and use of magazines that contain more than ten ammo, even handguns like cz-clones, tristars, canik, prohibited list goes on...
• Also criminalizes the possession of “large-capacity magazines” (those carrying greater than 10 rounds) and “ammunition that is 0.50 caliber or greater.”

• Violations would incur a $75,000-$150,000 fine and 15-25 years in prison.
• Require owners to have an insurance policy from the government for civil liability.

• Mandate yrly payment of $800 for people who own ammo or gun.

• If you cannot pay yrly $800 you must surrender all firearms and ammunition owned or possessed by the individual, to the AG.
• This bill applies retroactively, so current firearms owners will have three months to supply their gun & ammo information to the federal government from the bill’s effective date.
• No grandfathering clause.That means if you have an old rusting .22 rifle sitting in an one of your closets, an antique in display case you inherited you will have to comply with all the provisions of the bill or face a heavy fines and possible imprisonment.
Video From Guns & Gadgets
Here is the bill.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Oh and just to show you Sheila Jackson Lee has no clue what she's talking about and shouldnt be introducing any legislation on this subject here's a clip from Officer Tatum.

More from TXgrlWatching💻⚔🛡

There are motives behind this defund the police, people are not going be happy with. There is an active plan to federalize the police bring in UN peace keepers which is policed by nato. They corrupt politicians want to do away with Sheriffs not the police force.

This was set in to motion with UN strong cities network. Local police to be replaced by UN's peace keepers aka NATO troops and non-citizen mercenaries through the strong cities network UN to run local police boards U.S. cities.

I need you to understand what is at stake. It is America as we know it. The goal is to have the Constitution replaced, by the United Nations’ (UN) Bill of Human Rights.

Be careful what you wish for not everything is what it seems, these riots and looting will be used to justify their actions leading into the a globalist government having more control.

Pay attention to Bills being pushed by Congress. Pay attention to wording. Pay attention to stories of local Sheriffs threatening to deputize law abiding citizens.all these things are connected.
The more I find on EOs CCP access to power grid, chinese transformers, the turbines the more this looks like a coordinated attack on Texas to sell our state out to the CCP. Read!!!

Did you know? Texas has many transformers made in China. Trump created an EO to stop purchasing any Chinese Transformers as they can embed software or harware to be remotely controlled by China 1st thing Joe Biden did is suspend EO for 90days.

Expert: Chinese Power Transformers Pose

Last year, Wall Street Journal reported that U.S. seized a Chinese-built transformer because officials believe “its electronics had been given malicious capabilities, possibly allowing a adversary to monitor or disable it on command.”

U.S. Seizure of Chinese-Built Transformer Raises Specter of Closer
"...adequate patient comprehension of this risk is unlikely to occur, obviating truly informed consent by subjects..."
Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers
Fact Sheet Recipients and Caregivers




Limited short-term data
NO long-term data avail. incl. potential impacts on fertility.

“The discovery & research phase is normally 2-to-5yrs, according to the Wellcome Trust. In total, a 💉 can take more than 10yrs to fully

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🌺कैसे बने गरुड़ भगवान विष्णु के वाहन और क्यों दो भागों में फटी होती है नागों की जिह्वा🌺

महर्षि कश्यप की तेरह पत्नियां थीं।लेकिन विनता व कद्रु नामक अपनी दो पत्नियों से उन्हे विशेष लगाव था।एक दिन महर्षि आनन्दभाव में बैठे थे कि तभी वे दोनों उनके समीप आकर उनके पैर दबाने लगी।

प्रसन्न होकर महर्षि कश्यप बोले,"मुझे तुम दोनों से विशेष लगाव है, इसलिए यदि तुम्हारी कोई विशेष इच्छा हो तो मुझे बताओ। मैं उसे अवश्य पूरा करूंगा ।"

कद्रू बोली,"स्वामी! मेरी इच्छा है कि मैं हज़ार पुत्रों की मां बनूंगी।"
विनता बोली,"स्वामी! मुझे केवल एक पुत्र की मां बनना है जो इतना बलवान हो की कद्रू के हज़ार पुत्रों पर भारी पड़े।"
महर्षि बोले,"शीघ्र ही मैं यज्ञ करूंगा और यज्ञ के उपरांत तुम दोनो की इच्छाएं अवश्य पूर्ण होंगी"।

महर्षि ने यज्ञ किया,विनता व कद्रू को आशीर्वाद देकर तपस्या करने चले गए। कुछ काल पश्चात कद्रू ने हज़ार अंडों से काले सर्पों को जन्म दिया व विनता ने एक अंडे से तेजस्वी बालक को जन्म दिया जिसका नाम गरूड़ रखा।जैसे जैसे समय बीता गरुड़ बलवान होता गया और कद्रू के पुत्रों पर भारी पड़ने लगा

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विनता बोली,"सफेद रंग का"।
तो कद्रू बोली,"शर्त लगाती हो? इसकी पूँछ तो काली है"।