Boris Johnson says 1.3m people have been vaccinated across UK, 1.1m in England.

650,000 of them are over-80 which is 23% of that cohort.

It's @olyduff wot won it.
PM says there are 107 hospital hubs open for vaccinations now, plus 595 GP-led sites. This week another 100 hubs are coming on stream and 180 GP sites - next week the first seven mass vaccination centres open in stadiums and exhibition centres.
NHS refusing to give out the locations of the seven new mass vaccination centres 🤔
Govt officials believe the vaccination figures will beat 2m a week by the end of January - as is needed to hit the 13.9m target for mid-Feb.

Full story on vaccination rollout now @theipaper:
For now, the only hold-up is the batch testing process. Pfizer doses continue to flow, but most Ox/AZ doses are still being checked by the MHRA.

Govt confident that Ox/AZ 'fill and finish' process in Wrexham is now going well. No shortages of inputs.
The NHS is expanding its capacity to administer the vaccine over the course of this month, to match the growing numbers of doses coming in from manufacturers. Process of enrolling volunteers - plus probably military & pharmacists - is part of this.
Three main delivery channels: hospital hubs, GP sites, mass vaccination channels. Means we're unlikely to see smaller venues (pubs, shops etc) used to administer jabs.
There's a lot that could go wrong in the coming weeks. But it hasn't yet.

I'm told that by the end of this week we should "should start to see that acceleration" needed to get the job done in good time.

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