You wanna know the real reason WHY the "Old Guard" (Evil Powers that once ruled this world) wanted all of you dumbed down?
Your brains are supposed to work like mine does. You All are supposed to be able to see into the future etc. They poison all of you with foods that keep

you asleep.
Certain Daily products that all of you use like toothpaste,Deodorant,soaps etc do harm to you without you even knowing that harm is being done. Those who don't know these things are just so used to being the way they are and think it's all "Normal" when it's really
not. Your minds are designed for so much more and they know/knew this. THEY want all of you dumbed to so you just fall in line to what they say. They want you to follow all the latest Trends, They want you to follow the "Stars". Most of the stars advertise products but I
guarantee you that they themselves don't use 90% of what they are advertising on the market today.
They are being used as puppets, thinking all of you will just follow them blindly falling into all the traps they have had set out for you ALL THESE YEARS..

Look at Portland for
example, They are legalizing all recreational drugs. Allowing Young adults who's brains aren't fully developed to just poison themselves. What happens in 5-10-15 years from now? Our entire youth is poisoned more than they already are? All our adults that the children look up too
are addicted to heavy drugs to where they can't even have A conversation or even lead/Keep our youth on the right paths?

It's all apart of agendas to take over not only the world but your minds as well.
Time to wake up and see what has really been happening to all of US all
these years..

"We're not gonna take it, any more" ..

...And when anyone speaks out or calls these things out along with all the people that were/are apart of it, What? They threaten to come and take that person out or hurt their families or people closest to them?
That's all these people are, is pain. They hurt everyone and anything in their path if they don't get what they want. When they get what they want, THEY abuse their powers and bend humanity over and F them right up the ass..

It's Bullshit.
The Military is in complete control and protecting this Country and all it's citizens..

I Have faith in our armed forces & Humanity ..

God Wins..

.@USNavy , You See the HRC post?

More from For later read

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