Procrastination is when you keep postponing important tasks. If you do this frequently - you're not alone!

💢Use these tactics from 7 famous books which will help you overcome procrastination

"Atomic Habits" by James Clear

👉 Use the "two-minute rule" to get started on a task

👉 Make the task so simple that it takes 2 mins. You can't say no to it and build momentum from there

👉Make your goals specific and measurable
"The 5 Second Rule" by Mel Robbins

👉 Count down from 5 and take action immediately to override your brain's hesitation and fear

👉Focus on taking small, consistent steps towards your goal

👉Use positive self-talk to motivate yourself
"Eat That Frog" by Brian Tracy

👉 Identify the most important task you need to complete and do it first thing in the morning

👉 Break the task down into smaller, more manageable steps

👉 Set specific goals and deadlines for yourself
"Getting Things Done" by David Allen

👉Use a system of lists and categories to keep track of tasks and goals

👉Break down tasks into small, actionable steps

👉Regularly review and update your task lists to stay on top of things
"Deep Work" by Cal Newport

👉 Eliminate distractions and create a space for focused work

👉 Break work into "deep work" sessions of at least an hour

👉 Develop a pre-work ritual to prepare your mind for focused work
"The Now Habit" by Neil Fiore

👉 Focus on scheduling in time for leisure and relaxation first, then use the remaining time for work

👉 Use "unscheduling" to break down large projects into small, manageable tasks and schedule time to work on them

👉 Challenge negative self-talk
"The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg

👉 Identify the "cue" that triggers your procrastination and then change your routine or "reward" to break the habit

👉 Use "implementation intentions" to plan out specific actions you will take to overcome procrastination
Remember, the key to overcoming procrastination is to take action, even if it's just a small step. Don't wait for motivation to strike - create it by starting now.

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AI tools for generating/editing images that are absolutely phenomenal:

A thread🧵

1. Stable Diffusion

- Enter any prompt and the AI generates images.
- Add prompts like realistic, oil for style; Picasso, Monet for artist style along with the basic prompt


Prompt: portal to another reality scifi fantastic hyperrealistic

2. Dream by WOMBO

- If you want to use Stable diffusion on your phone, download this app
- Enter the prompt and choose the style!

Prompt: Path to another world, Style: Salvatore Dali

3. Midjourney

- Awesome model that generates mind-blowing AI images with prompts

- Link:

- Priyanka Chopra in Madhubani painting
- Portal to another reality scifi fantastic
- Sunset
- Love soulmate vibrant eternity timelapse ultrarealistic

4. Photosonic AI

- Another tool with good GUI and generates nice images.

- Link:

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