Dear @Ofstednews
*Re: Teachers have passed the test the Government have failed*
My letter in response to @GavinWilliamson's request for parents to complain about online provision of learning during global pandemic. It might appeal to parents & #EduTwitter alike. THREAD⬇️

I would like to echo the recent recommendation of my MP, who I understand has education as one of their priorities.
They lead with religious and political faith, and I'd like you to lend from their methods of applying faith over fact, if you could.
You see, I have faith in schools communicating clearly, consistently and safely as the facts have demonstrated they can. Unlike the cabinet.
Schools have acknowledged the fear and confusion communities have suffered when this government has failed to deliver clear and consistent messages that lend to 'common sense'.
This, despite the fact their 'common sense' pleas for the contradicting that of their own dangerous behaviour.
I have faith that my children are well cared for, as provision from schools for the most vulnerable and keyworker children has never stopped and learning from home has provided child-focused, innovative, personal and professional support.
This, despite the fact that the 'Christian' leader of the House criticises international support for deprived families.
I have faith that the schools are prioritising wider community needs, as the facts of the new variant come into focus.
This, despite the fact that school leaders acting as 'Captains of their own ship' in areas of rapid infection were threatened with legal action for wanting to protect @nhsmillion & community by this government.
I have faith that schools are leaning on facts to inform their safety critical decision making.
This, despite repeated cabinet lies stating that 'schools are safe', when the scientific evidence (here, dated 8th December) shows them, repeatedly, this is untrue.
I have faith that schools, with the support of healthcare professionals in the field (my brother, leading a covid unit, included) are resiliently maintaining professional standards.
When the facts are this government has repeatedly rejected the bedrock of political life, the Nolan principles.
I have every faith that schools are communicating effectively, using all channels available to them to safely explain policy decisions & reassure communities when this government has failed to deliver the same with economic, legal and fatal consequences.
I have every faith that the school will work efficiently and economically in the best interests of those they serve, with the limited provision granted them by this government.
This, despite the fact that test and trace is *still* not working, with cronyism and abuse of public funds well documented here. @sophie_e_hill 🙏🏼
I have every faith that the over-promised and over-promoted laptops, lining donor's pockets in the process, will reach families who need them... once the negotiated contact has been delivered to schools. 🤦🏼‍♀️
Most importantly, I have every faith that without fear nor favour, the educators of this country will continue to give our children & future talent pipeline of this country the skills, knowledge & experiences they need to critically assess individual & collective problems.
Government attempts to limit the curriculum, critical thinking & 'flattening the grass' will fail & this government will be held to account.
I take solace that the fact the government's 'world-beating' failings are being delivered by a cabinet where two-thirds were privately educated provides adequate illustration of how *not* to teach.
In conclusion, if we look at the facts, schools and their leaders have done an exemplary job of managing this pandemic, despite the fact that the government has failed the same test.
Schools have responded quickly, honestly, consistently and with integrity in contrast to the delays, lies, hypocrisy and failings of this government. (Credit @alexwickham for timeline)
And I have every faith that school leaders will continue to act in the best interests of pupils, parents, staff, suppliers and communities, despite the fact that this government can't or won't.
Many thanks again to the school leaders, staff & suppliers for their over politicised and under-valued role in managing this pandemic and, as this government fails, Britain's future. Yours sincerely, Parent of 2.
@threadreaderapp unroll

More from Education

You asked. So here are my thoughts on how osteopathic medical students should respond to the NBOME.


Look, even before the Step 2 CS cancellation, my DMs and email were flooded with messages from osteopathic medical students who are fed up with the NBOME.

There is *real* anger toward this organization. Honestly, more than I even heard about from MD students and the NBME.

The question is, will that sentiment translate into action?

Amorphous anger on social media is easy to ignore. But if that anger gets channeled into organized efforts to facilitate change, then improvements are possible.

This much should be clear: begging the NBOME to reconsider their Level 2-PE exam is a waste of your time.

Best case scenario, you’ll get another “town hall” meeting, a handful of platitudes, and some thoughtful beard stroking before being told that they’re keeping the exam.

Instead of complaining to the NBOME, here are a few things that are more likely to bring about real change.
I was a recipient of KGSP for my Msc from 2013-2016

Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) Application made easy

Application period- 1 February 2021- 31 March, 2021

MS- 3yrs (1 year Korean language + 2 years MS)

PhD- 4yrs (1 year Korean language + 3 years PhD)

How to navigate the page

1. Type in your browser and hit the enter button

2. Click on scholarships and select GKS notice as attached in the picture👇

3. Play with the notice dashboard to see various announcements from NIIED.

4. E.g in 2020, the Global Korea Scholarship for Graduate Degrees was announced on 11, February as indicated by no 205. You can click to download the application materials to get familiar with what is expected. I attached series of links in this thread to assist too.

Category- All fields


1. Visa fee

2. Airfare: Actual cost (To and fro from your home country to Korea and upon completion to your home country)

3. Resettlement Allowance: KRW 200,000 (Given upon arrival in Korea)

4. Monthly stipend: Graduate (MS/PhD)-KRW 1000,000 (362,610.35 Nigerian Naira) per month ,Research Program including Postdoctoral fellow and visiting Professors - 1,500,000 KRW (542,824.78 Nigerian Naira) per month
We've been falsely told 'schools are safe', 'don't drive community transmission', & teachers don't have a higher risk of infection repeatedly by govt & their advisors- to justify some of the most negligent policies in history. 🧵

data shows *both* primary & secondary school teachers are at double the risk of confirmed infection relative to comparable positivity in the general population. ONS household infection data also clearly show that children are important sources of transmission.

Yet, in the parliamentary select meeting today, witnesses like Jenny Harries repeated the same claims- that have been debunked by the ONS data, and the data released by the @educationgovuk today. How many lives have been lost to these lies? How many more people have long COVID?

has repeatedly pointed out errors & gaps in the ONS reporting of evidence around risk of infection among teachers- and it's taken *months* to get clarity on this. The released data are a result of months of campaigning by her, the @NEU and others.

Rather than being transparent about the risk of transmission in school settings & mitigating this, the govt (& many of its advisors) has engaged in dismissing & denying evidence that's been clear for a while. Evidence from the govt's own surveys. And global evidence.


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