Something that would help our field, it seems to me, is to separate the Music Director position from the Principal Conductor position at orchestras. If nothing else, you'd get a wider range of musical tastes/interests at the top, which would serve the institutions well.

I've also seen too many situations where big/biggish-name conductors shoot down an idea that has the backing of their orchestras' creative staff, because it's just not of personal interest to them. Conductor ego is a substantial source of regressive energy in classical music.
We have a *major* resource problem in the field of new music. There's not enough $ to go around, and definitely not enough to make the field truly open and accessible. In that light, we need to be strategic about targeting the spaces where new resources could come to the table.
I've long been critical of orchestras, but I've never said we should tear them down. Far from it. Orchestras are central arts organizations with access to community resources of all kinds, including but not limited to $. That's why they have to become true leaders in the field.
Do you know how hard it is for a new music organization to develop the kind of resource base that an orchestra has? A few have come close, but it's practically impossible, especially now, with so much arts funding having dried up and no new apparent boom on the horizon from tech$
I'd like to see orchestras change their self-conception, to be central connectors within their communities, creating and supporting projects that intersected with The Orchestra Itself but also going far beyond that. But Music Directors need to be on board for this to work.
This is all, in part, a response to the understandable anger I see out there, especially from younger composers and performers who see the rug as being pulled out from under them as they embark on their careers. They're not wrong. But new music organizations alone can't fix this.
The scale of the problem is a scale that intersects with civic institutions, political figures, major foundations — in other words, with the arts ecosystem at the largest and highest scales. Orchestras are already plugged in at those levels. They already connect those dots.
If we're going to get real about bringing new resources into the field, and hopefully, radically transforming it in the process, I believe exerting pressure on existing large institutions is our most efficient path. And maybe our only path, short of tearing it all down.
And many people want to tear it all down, and I get that. But be careful. A lot of the resources that are there in the classical music world won't transfer easily to what we all do. Those resources, if scattered, may disappear for good.

OK that's all I've got. Back to writing.

More from Culture

. THREAD 1/x

David Baddiel is getting lots of coverage and feedback on his book which again focuses on so called 'left wing' antisemitism.

I will start by saying that I have seen antisemitic comments made by Labour members and some genuine cases.

However, I have huge concerns.


Let's look in detail at this article written in April 2019 in the @Guardian - and I will explain the concerns.

The areas highlighted guide you to believe this was all Labour - IT WASN'T.

It also occurred before 2015! Detail follows...


So as you see the writer of this rather deceitful piece starts with


This was done to point the timeframe as Corbyn's leadership. Yet the article goes on to describe things that are not even related to Labour, which occurred in 2014.


So... What in fact the @Guardian writer is discussing here is this case - where a group of Neo-Nazi's spent months inflicting abuse on Jewish MP Luciana Berger

All the detail is in the Court Notes when Bonehill-Paine was sentenced by the judge.


The Justice sentencing remarks to Neo-Nazi explain the previous cases too. See the date 2014.

Yet the Guardian writer refers to this NON LABOUR case to effectively make her article a lie.

"Star of David" - this was Garron Helm another neo-Nazi..

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