$BTC & $USDT & the criminal cartels that pump the prices of BTC while laundering out real fiat profits through their exchange partners. While tax evasion & general financial malfeasance is problematic enough, one has to wonder what else is occurring with the laundered funds ..1/

Despite the romantic, libertarian view of Bitcoin subverting the oppression of the centralized fiat economy, in reality, the backers were also engaging in drug smuggling, assassination markets & human trafficking. 2/
While some of Bitcoin’s ideology of civil disobedience & the hope of building a shining new economy upon the distributed ledger was exciting for a time, the Bitcoin Civil War side-tracked the project heavily. 3/
Once Dread Pirate Roberts and The Silk Road was closed down, nastier websites emerged, and so too did some of the shadiest venture capitalists in the world — necessitating the split of the Bitcoin protocol away from the BTC economy in 2017. But this requires some context. 4/
Unfortunately, in the era spanning 2014-2016, venture capitalists created media entities such as CoinDesk & Cointelegraph, development groups such as Blockstream & MIT Digital Currency Initiative, exchanges like Coinbase & Bitfinex, 5/
& they hired professional social engineers like Gregory Maxwell and Samson Mow to subvert the narrative of Bitcoin across Twitter, Reddit, BitcoinTalk and other channels of discussion about bitcoin’s roadmap and capabilities. 6/
These are Blockstream’s Venture Investors: a group of strategic partners shared by most of the major players in the BTC economy. Most of the pictured firms share advisors & board members, making the case for a well-connected racket masquerading as independent firms. 7/
Digital Garage, was caught laundering money that Jeffrey Epstein was sending to Bitcoin Core developers in order to re-engineer BTC to be more useful for the human trafficking business after the Silk Road was taken down. 8/
Blockchain Capital was founded by Brock Pierce (he was also the founder of Tether), another man with close business & personal connections to Epstein. In the late 1990’s, Pierce was co-founder of “DEN:” a media firm whose partners, including Pierce, 9/
have also been sued for child sex abuse in Hollywood. Pierce is a known, serial-scammer and lavish party promoter among wealthy elites, and has connections to multiple, major blockchain industry players including Jeffrey Epstein. 10/

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1/“What would need to be true for you to….X”

Why is this the most powerful question you can ask when attempting to reach an agreement with another human being or organization?

A thread, co-written by @deanmbrody:

2/ First, “X” could be lots of things. Examples: What would need to be true for you to

- “Feel it's in our best interest for me to be CMO"
- “Feel that we’re in a good place as a company”
- “Feel that we’re on the same page”
- “Feel that we both got what we wanted from this deal

3/ Normally, we aren’t that direct. Example from startup/VC land:

Founders leave VC meetings thinking that every VC will invest, but they rarely do.

Worse over, the founders don’t know what they need to do in order to be fundable.

4/ So why should you ask the magic Q?

To get clarity.

You want to know where you stand, and what it takes to get what you want in a way that also gets them what they want.

It also holds them (mentally) accountable once the thing they need becomes true.

5/ Staying in the context of soliciting investors, the question is “what would need to be true for you to want to invest (or partner with us on this journey, etc)?”

Multiple responses to this question are likely to deliver a positive result.