This is some true bullshit. A fully radicalized white man methodically builds and detonates a bomb like he saw in Speed complete with creepy music and a fresh, highly obvious target.

His girlfriend - who police considered mentally ill and didn’t shoot down in the street even as she sat next to guns on her porch - said he was building bombs.
The cops wandered over, knocked a bit, ran his name through a database and then said ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ welp I guess that’s that!
When a Black man or woman does any of these things it’s a damn festival. Bullets fly. Accusations rise. He was a follower of a militant preacher! He was a Muslim warrior!
And with this fucking turd its a mystery! Why did the skinny white dude drive an rv to downtown Nashville and try to blow up a telephone switch? Lord knows! Maybe he hated his service!?
No. He was a radicalized Luddite willing to die for the Q Anon cause. Want to see a MSM coverup? This is one. And why? Because the real story has no center. He’s not fighting for god. He’s not angry at his girl. He lives in a world that none of us understand.
He was in a particularly white fantasy built on media that says the big guys are hiding something from us. That the world isn’t what it seems. That the Illuminati are out there. That they’re putting something in the water. That they’re holding us down. That a pizza place is evil
This is not a particularly american style of paranoia but we perfected it. In the 16th century when a census taker went out into the French countryside he approached a town that was stuck in the dark ages.
He came into town and the townspeople - some for reasons of superstition and some for the simple reason of not being taxed (note the mildly intelligent grifting the rubes) - tore him to pieces.
Illiteracy. Innumeracy. Ignorance. Religious belief. That’s what we’re against when we go against guys like the RV Taliban here. And yet we have tip toe around these idiots because they work the refs, our politicians coddle them. They take a hidden grievance and amplify it.
This is what you get when people misunderstand the founding documents of a country. When they misunderstand science and technology. When the shadows in their heads get scary.
And maybe Y’all Queda is just some guy who loved Pokémon and Bernie sanders and wanted to blow up a virtual gym but Occam’s razor says that the only guys who blow up rvs are radicalized terrorists who see a communist behind every bush.
In the end we will suffer at their hands more and more as the world changes inexplicably around them. We can either treat radicalized white america as the threat it is or wait for the next bomb to go off next to a daycare center... oh wait. They already did that one.

More from Crime

My students @maxzks and Tushar Jois spent most of the summer going through every piece of public documentation, forensics report, and legal document we could find to figure out how police were “breaking phone encryption”. 1/

This was prompted by a claim from someone knowledgeable, who claimed that forensics companies no longer had the ability to break the Apple Secure Enclave Processor, which would make it very hard to crack the password of a locked, recent iPhone. 2/

We wrote an enormous report about what we found, which we’ll release after the holidays. The TL;DR is kind of depressing:

Authorities don’t need to break phone encryption in most cases, because modern phone encryption sort of sucks. 3/

I’ll focus on Apple here but Android is very similar. The top-level is that, to break encryption on an Apple phone you need to get the encryption keys. Since these are derived from the user’s passcode, you either need to guess that — or you need the user to have entered it. 4/

Guessing the password is hard on recent iPhones because there’s (at most) a 10-guess limit enforced by the Secure Enclave Processor (SEP). There’s good evidence that at one point in 2018 a company called GrayKey had a SEP exploit that did this for the X. See photo. 5/
Ok so there’s a conspiracy theory going around that this woman was faking her injury with an onion.

This is likely false. Onions are a folk remedy for pepper spray.

The theory, which has some merit, is that since onions make you cry, it helps flush the irritants from your eyes with natural tears.

However, this is not recommended as a treatment for pepper spray and is ultimately not very effective.

Pepper spray, tear gas, mace, CN, HC, and other agents are best removed with a flush of water or, if you have the proper mixture, saline. Nothing else.

We do not do chemistry in our eyeballs. We are not putting chemicals in our eyes. We are not putting produce in our eyes. We are removing the chemicals with safe, neutral water.

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