1/ THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4649: Ted Cruz's reverse Rorschach.

#BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #EmotionalIntelligence #TedCruz

2/ Why is Ted Cruz standing in this particular manner? Dissecting this moment gives us a peek into the Senator's Psyche.
3/ Clasping hands in front of the lower abdomen/groin region is known as a Fig Leaf configuration or Genital Guarding.
4/ Cruz's hands are positioned somewhat higher here, but this carries with it much of the same meaning (albeit, slightly watered-down).
5/ Holding one's hands in a Genital Guarding or Fig Leaf manner is a manifestation of the need for protection. A person is trying to insulate themself from perceived threats.
6/ This body language is particularly telling when a person covers up this region in the midst of a conversation. So always ask yourself, 'What was just said?' and 'What is it that they're afraid of?'.
7/ This dynamic can also occur whilst the person is seated.
8/ Of course, these don't have to be (and most of the time are not) threats of bodily harm, but rather these are displays of psychological vulnerabilities and insecurities.
9/ Some exceptions for this include at a funeral, certain times in wedding ceremonies, at the tomb of the unknown soldier, religious and similar ceremonies, standing next to a person of great power — all occasions where one may try to show respect and/or deferential behavior.
10/ Even more notable are the relative position of Cruz's feet.
11/ Note Cruz's feet are spaced a bit more widely apart than his shoulders.
12/ His toes are also pointed outward (When the feet are this far apart, it would be unusual to have toes turned inward).
13/ Somewhat ironically (because it slightly diminishes their height), some short men often stand with their feet further apart.
14/ Cruz is not short. He's slightly to modestly taller than most American males — reported to be about 5'8" or 5'10". With boots, (taller heels vs shoes) he's easily the tallest one in this photo. So why is he standing this way?
15/ This stance will momentarily increase adrenaline and thus make a person feel more powerful. Indeed, with hands and held in different positions, this is often an indication of an impeding physical altercation — and will prove such a response in others.
16/ It's helpful to think of this as a standing variation of the seated behavior known as 'Manspreading'. Both are displayed much more often in tone-deaf, low-empathy, over-compensating, and narcissist males.
17/ It's a dramatic and attention-demanding — a manifestation of his overcompensation — a nonverbal affectation.
18/ This stance is also more commonly seen in men wearing boots — particularly cowboy boots (Testosterone by proxy).
19/ They think their #BodyLanguage is saying: "Hey everybody, look at me, I've got the most testosterone of anyone in the room."
20/ ... but really, to those who understand #BodyLanguage, it's saying: "Hey everybody, look at me, my confidence is low, I'm emotionally uncomfortable, and I'm standing like this to convince you and convince myself that it's high. But I'm lying and over-compensating."
21/ It's important to note the nonverbal dissonance/nondissonance between the position of Cruz's hands-arms vs. his feet.
22/ His hand-arm position projects lower confidence while his foot position, had it been somewhat closer together (say, two inches less than shoulder width) would convey a contextual and proportionate level of confidence.
23/ Thus, this hands-clasped, feet spread body language is contradictory — with the upper and lower body being in dissonance. But Cruz's foot position is too extreme, so it negates this principle and has the reverse effect.
24/ But Cruz's feet are so far apart that his foot placement over compensation actually match his hand-arm emotional tone. Both projecting lowered confidence, emotional discomfort, and overcompensation.
25/ Sometimes police officers are taught to stand like this because it's more stable (feet and legs) simultaneous with hand-positioning in a fig-leaf, because can reach their firearm rapidly (rather than say, holding their hands behind their back).
26/ But projecting both of these body language behaviors, at the same time, is not natural behavior. It's contradictory.
27/ Moreover, when police officers stand in this position — particularly with their feet further apart — it will sometimes escalate confrontation. They will provoke it.
28/ This escalation tendency pattern will increase even more as they move their feet further apart and their hands to other positions.
29/ SUMMARY: Ted Cruz's body language in this image demonstrates classic emotional discomfort, insecurity, vulnerable, and low confidence. He's attempting to disguise these feelings, but he's dramatically overcompensating.

continued ...
30/ A person who grew up in Texas might very well say, 'Ted's just trying too hard to grow a third testicle'.
31/ Addendum:

All those who want to/need to become more skilled and increase their nuance of #BodyLanguage, please email ([email protected]) or DM me.


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