1. While @RonDeSantisFL was fighting the culture wars, banning CRT and shipping migrants to Martha's Vineyard, he failed to meaningfully address Florida's dysfunctional and collapsing property insurance market

And now things are going to get much

@RonDeSantisFL 2. Florida's property insurance system was in crisis even though the state had not been struck by a major hurricane since 2018.

Then Hurricane Ian slammed into Florida's west coast, killing at least 74 people and inflicting tens of billions of dollars in property damage.
3. Florida property faces catastrophic risks from weather events that worsen each year due to climate change.

Floridians pay an average of "$4,231 a year per [property insurance] policy, compared to a US average of $1,544."

4. In the last five years, six Florida insurance companies have gone out of business "without responding to a hurricane, and four more are in the process of liquidation."

5. The collapsing market has left many Floridians reliant on the Citizens Property Insurance Corp., a state-run agency that is supposed to be the "insurer of last resort." It now provides property insurance for more than 1 million Floridians.

6. But Citizens has limited resources. It currently has $13.5 billion available to pay out claims.

If Citizens runs out of money, Florida law "allows [Citizens] to assess non-customers to pay out claims."

A "hurricane tax."

7. In May, DeSantis called a special session, purportedly to address the property insurance crisis.

The session resulted in lowering the threshold for the industry to access taxpayer-financed reinsurance by $2 billion.

This didn't meaningfully address the problem.
8. But the law provided "no guarantees" that the savings created by the taxpayer-financed reinsurance program would be passed to consumers.

Advocates warned it was "an industry bail-out that won’t result in savings to consumers."

9. And that's exactly what happened.

Despite the reinsurance fund, many insurers continued to apply for double-digit rate increases.

10. Why didn't DeSantis do more to fix the property insurance market in Florida?

Follow the State Farm money.

Strengthening the public reinsurance fund was opposed by "large insurance companies that can buy reinsurance from their own subsidiaries."

11. That opposition was reportedly led by @StateFarm.

On August 1, 2022, DeSantis collected "nearly 200 separate checks from insurance agents or their firms," totaling about $150,000.

The effort, according to Politico, was "coordinated by State Farm."

12. Overall, DeSantis has received at least $700,000 from the insurance industry this cycle.

13. For more accountability journalism that follows the money, subscribe to Popular Informatio.

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More from Judd Legum

1. @NYGovCuomo became a pandemic star by contrasting himself with Trump

Cuomo crafted an IMAGE of being determined, honest and grounded in science

But 11 months later this image is falling apart

Follow along for a FACTUAL assessment of Cuomo's

2. Cuomo WROTE A BOOK, published in October, celebrating his own leadership during the pandemic.

Cuomo writes that NY had "confronted and defeated" the virus, and had "achieved what all the experts told us was impossible."

Today, things look

3. Today, New York has 338 people hospitalized with COVID per million residents.

This is the HIGHEST NUMBER IN ANY STATE by a considerable margin.


4. Overall, 46K New Yorkers have died of COVID, which trails only California (47K), a state with 2x as many people.

On a per capita basis, New York has had more deaths than every state but New Jersey.

Cuomo made decisions that made things

5. A new report by NY AG Letitia James (D) found Cuomo's order requiring nursing homes to accept residents w/COVID "may have put residents at increased risk of harm"

Cuomo dismissed criticisms of his nursing home policies in his book as
1. Florida teachers are being told to remove all books from their classroom libraries OR FACE FELONY PROSECUTION

The new policy is based on the premise that teachers are using books to "groom" students or indoctrinate them with leftist ideologies.

2. Officials from the Manatee County School District confirmed the new policy to

The policy was communicated to principals in a meeting last Wednesday.

Teachers are in the process of being informed now.

3. Teachers in Manatee County lamented the news on social media. "My heart is broken for Florida students today as I am forced to pack up my classroom library," one Manatee teacher wrote on Facebook.

4. Another Manatee teacher called the directive "a travesty to education" that interfered with efforts to "connect with books and develop [a] love of lifelong learning."

5. The new policy in Manatee, which is likely to be duplicated across Florida, was issued in response to HB 1467, which was signed into law by DeSantis last March.

That law established that teachers could not be trusted to select books appropriate for their students.

3 major corporations say they'll suspend donations to the Republican Attorneys General Association, which helped drive participation in last Wed's events




Follow along for more on these 3 plus 60 other

@lyft @DoorDash 2. University of Phoenix (@UOPX) is taking things a step further.

The for-profit university, which donated $50,400 to RAGA last year, is demanding its money back

"We have asked RAGA to return our contribution to us as soon as

3. @Lyft tells
https://t.co/Gl6evXRDcZ that it "not be renewing our membership in RAGA for 2021"

@Facebook says it was "surprised and appalled" by the RAGA's conduct

4. @DoorDash says that "Any individual or organization that encouraged or facilitated this horrific behavior must be held accountable."

All this is a wakeup call for the Republican Attorneys General Association, which has accepted NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ITS INVOLVEMENT

5. More details coming in this thread. But if you value this kind of work, please subscribe to our newsletter, Popular Information.

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Хајде да направимо мали осврт на случај Мика Алексић .

Алексић је жртва енглеске освете преко Оливере Иванчић .
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Оливера Илинчић је иначе мајка једне од његових ученица .
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Зато Мика са гнушањем и поносно одбија да снима такав филм тада и почиње хајка и претње која потиче из британских дипломатских кругова

Најгоре од свега што је то Мика Алексић изговорио у присуству високих дипломатских представника , а одговор је био да се све неће на томе завршити и да ће га то скупо коштати .
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