The freelancing blueprint πŸ§΅πŸ‘‡


Freelancing is NOT for everybody, but it is for everyone 😎

Just give freelancing an honest attempt for a year.

If you enjoy it - cool.

If you don't - cool.

At least you tried.
Freelancing starts with a SKILL.

1. Learn how to make a website (Web Design).
2. Learn how to get sales for a business (Digital Marketing).
3. Learn Web Design and Digital Marketing.

I'd recommend option 3.

You're offering a once-off and monthly service.

Where do you learn this skill?

YouTube, Google and Udemy.

Don't overcomplicate it.
How do you make money from this skill?

Marketing and Branding.

This will help you get clients.
Do this:

1. Build a portfolio website (research on YouTube).
2. Build example websites (showing your experience).
3. Get client testimonials (even if you do free work for 2 projects only).

Now you're ready to approach clients.
Generalist or Niche?

Start off by working with any type of business.

Get experience.

Then as you get a few projects and work in a few industries, niche down your services.

Here's why:
Before you get clients, you need to know how much to charge.

In short, NEVER charge per hour.

Charge a fixed project price or value-based pricing.

Here's WHY:

And here's HOW to do this effectively:
Now you need to get clients.

Do this:

β†’ Google Ads
β†’ Facebook Groups
β†’ LinkedIn Outreach
β†’ Freelance Platforms
β†’ Manual Outreach

Here's HOW in more detail:
Now that you've got client leads, you need to pitch them your services.

ALWAYS offer 3 pricing options like this:


Option 1 - $3,250
Option 2 - $4,500
Option 3 - $8,000

Most of the time clients choose Option 2.

Some choose Option 3, and only a few choose Option 1.
Now you need to craft the perfect proposal that closes the deal.

Here's HOW (with a free template):
Final step:


5 clients paying you $1,500 a month for Marketing.

You outsource the tasks to someone else for $500 per client.

You net $5,000 per month (not doing most of the hard work).

= Freedom
= Good income you grow and get 10+ clients.
That's it πŸ™Œ

Further reading and resources:

Blog -

YouTube -

Podcast -

Book -

Bundle -

Hope this helps you β€οΈπŸ™

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Should we go into the details of these 125 years?

SA is built on the exploitation of labour. That labour has functioned on alcohol unfortunately. Very few people consume liquor purely for enjoyment unfortunately. When SAB opened its doors 1895 workers were paid in alcohol- the dop/tot system. 2 years into SAB's establishment

The Prohibition Act is introduced. This means black people are barred from buying your wines, beer etc. So SAB's products are exclusively for white people. But during this period beer brewing by Black women is the norm. Ayinxilisi ncam ke this type of beer. Apparently it had some

Nutritious elements to it. Now some of the context around drinking culture during this time is migrant labour to the mines, further land dispossession, the Anglo-Boer Wars, Rhodes corruption (our first state capture commission if you will) which leads to his resignation.

This context plays a role in how our cities and small towns are constructed, how they lead to the confinement and surveillance yabantu. Traditional beer brewing is identified as a threat because buy now mining bosses have identified that there's money to be made here.

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