Git is used in a ton of places. Companies, SaaS, open-source projects use it to work, collaborate and maintain their projects.

All the git commands you would ever need, and also to get you started. Here's a thread for you.

Let's explore all the commands.

This thread is continuation for my thread on Git for everyone, where I explained all about git.

If you haven't checked that out, and if you're willing to, Please do. Appreciate it, Here's the link. ↓
1/ Initializing git in project

This is the command, you would always need. This initializes git, along with it's structure for tracking and managing files, folders and code.

You cannot use any other command, if not initialized.
2/ Adding files to staging

Now, we've initialized repo, and Created files. We have to move the files to staging, before commiting them.

Turns out, there are a lot of ways to do it.
3/ Track changes, and Get info about staging stage

Once we've added files, folders and other things to staging, We have the need to ensure everything's correct, or check if there's something wrong, or keep track.

Git allows to display all the changes, additions, and deletions.
4/ Commit files, and create a log

We're good to commit now! When we commit, It creates a commit object with all info mentioned in previous thread.

A commit message is necessary to properly describe it. The language should be imperative, Not more than 50 characters.
5/ git commit --amend

Oops! What if we missed out something in the commit message, or forgot to stage a file?

Git commit with amend flag comes to the rescue. Here is how you can use it!
6/ Getting changes for specific files after staging

This is what git is all about. Maintaining history, and list of changes. Hence, Git allows us to preview the changes in file specified based on what's changed since previous commit.

Here is how!
7/ Getting commit history!

As git makes commit objects with all metadata, We should be able to access it! And, we can too. Just wonderful. It gives all metadata, we need, along with the Hash to revert/reset and whatever operation we have to perform.

Here is the command!
8/ Cloning a repository

We always need the project to be present locally when we want to work. Git provides an extremely *easy* way to do that.

You need to have the URL to the remote repository along with permissions to clone.

Here's how,
9/ Pushing to a repository

Okay! We have our brand new repository. And we have created the basic project to get us started.

Now, we need to update the changes in remote, by pushing, and also enabling others to get your changes.

Here is how you can push,
10/ Pull changes from remote repo to local

Oh, so we already have the repo locally, but the changes are outdated. How do I pull the new changes and update my local branch to work further?

It's easy.
11/ Getting configured remote repository paths

Working with remote repositories needs us Remote repositories configured. Git allows us to see the configured ones, and take actions based on it.

Here's how.
12/ Configuring and modifying remote repos

We also have the need to add remote repositories, to push to them, and have a reference, or delete old reference to repositories.

These are not that frequently used, but can be a lot of use when needed.
13/ Changing branch

Working in branches on specific features, fixes or any kind of changes is really frequent, and making PRs to review and merge them.

Changing branch is highly used. Here is how you can do that!
14/ Working with branches

Well, We can change branches. But what about operations?

Such as, creating branch to work in it, deleting a branch after work's done and merged, or renaming a branch to describe it better?

All these are really simple.
15/ Revert useless commits

A lot of times, we might have commited somethings, We didn't intend, and We wish to go back to previous state (or commit).

Git allows to do that, using the `revert` subcommand.

Here's how,
16/ Clean up unstaged files

A lot of instances, we might have the need to remove or delete all the unstaged changes (or files).

Git does provide a handy little utility for that.
17/ Unstage a file

Let's say, we staged a file accidentally, and we meant to stage it in next commit. But how do we revert the staging?

Here is how!
18/ Tag a specific commit

Releases of specific softwares and tools are really common. Git provides us with tags to tag the version to a specific hash, and keep it.

Really handy and awesome. Here's how,
19/ Temporarily store tracked files

Git stash allows to store tracked files temporarily for situations, such as pulling changes into my changes which are not commited yet, or some other situations.

Can be really handy! Here's how,
20/ Display all changes in specified commit

A lot of times, we have to evaluate the changes done in a specific commit. It's made extremely easy by git using the `show` subcommand.

Here's how,
You have reached the end! 👋

Thanks for reading! If you loved this thread,
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- And, let me know what you think! 👋

I'm Sunrit, and I make content about ML, Python, Javascript and more! 💙

Catch you next time 🤗

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Russia hasn't been a willing partner in this treaty for almost 3 decades. We should have ended the pretense long ago.

Naturally, Rand Paul is telling anyone who will listen to him that Trump is making a HUGE MISTAKE here.

Rand is just like his dad, Ron. 100% isolationist.

They've never grasped that 100% isolationist is not 'America First' when you examine it. It really means 'America Alone'.

The consistent grousing of pursuing military alliances with allies - like Trump is doing now with Saudi Arabia.

So of course Rand has also spent the last 2 days loudly calling for Trump to kill the arms deal with Saudi Arabia and end our alliance with them.

What Obama was engineering with his foreign policy was de facto isolationism: pull all the troops out of the ME, abandon the region to Iranian control as a client state of Russia.

Obama wasn't building an alliance with Iran; he was facilitating abandoning the ME to Iran.

Obama wouldn't even leave behind a token security force, so of course what happened was the rise of ISIS. He also pumped billions of dollars into the Iranian coffers, which the Mullah's used to fund destabilizing activity [wars/terrorism] & criminal enterprises all over the globe