24 Trading Affirmations✅

Relevant to trading that you may record in your own voice and hear it daily.

Over a longer period and at the right moments during your trading, you may be prompted of them

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#trading #affirmations #Trader #mentoring

1. Greed

I trade just twice or thrice a day allows for precision to come into my trading and controls my greed and overtrading.

#trading #affirmations
2. Patience

I adopt an appropriate amount of Patience as a balance between fear and greed.
I maintain the required patience to attain my entry and exit
#trading #affirmations
3. Trust

I trust and follow my signals unquestionably for entry and exit.
I trust my setup and the process adopted to trade.

#trading #affirmations
4. Anticipation

I do not trade in anticipation of a change in trend before it signals.
I remain in the present while I day trade.

#trading #affirmations
5. Discipline

Discipline within is to know where to stop and stick to the decision.

I am disciplined with my process.

#trading #affirmations
6. Mechanically

I consistently earn every day by entering and exiting a trade purely as a mechanical exercise.

#trading #affirmations
7. Living in a Trend

I live with the trend.
I remain with the trend.
I flow with the trend.
I live with the flowing energies of the trend.

#trading #affirmations
8. Nature is Supreme

I do not try to beat the market or be offensive to it.

The market’s price movement is supreme.

#trading #affirmations
9. Brain

My brain is programmed to generate earnings every day.

#trading #affirmations
10. Rewiring Consciousness

I am deleting past old loss-making recorded actions with new transformational trade executions; thereby creating new profit-making coded recordings and rewiring new synapses.

#trading #affirmations
11. Tested Concept

I stick to my tested and trusted concept through market hours.

I believe in the concept I follow.

#trading #affirmations
12. Profit Target

My profit target is to earn @ above 23.6% of my day’s opening limit.

I strive to achieve my targets and work towards profits.

#trading #affirmations
13. Exits

I leave it to the system signals to intimate me to exit, and profit optimally from the trade.

#trading #affirmations
14. Reward

I am committed and accountable to profit every day.

That is my way to reward myself.

#trading #affirmations
15. Opulent

By earning every day by day trading, I have made myself financially rich and opulent.

#trading #affirmations
16. Humdinger

(Meaning: a remarkable or outstanding person or thing of its kind)

It is a Humdinger that I earn money everyday.

I am aware of this.

I,<.......> in my trading hours have more winning trades and make money everyday.

#trading #affirmations
17. Mental Supremacy

At the end of it all, trading has given me mental supremacy, money, wealth, and happiness.

#trading #affirmations
18. A Habit

I keep ending each day in profit repeatedly.

I do it over and over again.

Profit-making is now a habit.

#trading #affirmations
19. Being Lucky

Profiting from a trade is making me lucky.

I believe I am lucky. Luck always favours me.

#trading #affirmations
20. Serenity

My Earning from Good Trading comes from serenity of mind.

#trading #affirmations
21. Must Achieve

I know well that a ‘Must Achieve’ attitude is not everything. I may risk money chasing achievement.

#trading #affirmations
22. Stop Loss

I ensure my stop loss is never hit.
I ensure my stop loss is placed safely far away.

I Enter & Exit accordingly.

#trading #affirmations
23. Fear

I exit on instinct even before fear grips me.

However if in fear, I intend to act rationally using my exit process.

#trading #affirmations
24. Hope

I hope that things will fall in place and I would exit unhurt.

But I be judicious about hope. If need be I exit.

With money, I do adopt the no-waiting in hope policy.

#trading #affirmations

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