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The GOOD: CDC supports improving ventilation in schools

The BAD: it's buried in their new guidance

The SOLUTION: let's unbury it and make sure every school knows about

Item #1 in the report (yes, #1), lists 5 key "Mitigation strategies to reduce transmission in schools"

It doesn't say 'ventilation', but it does say 'cleaning and healthy facilities'. I use 'healthy buildings' for header when talking ventilation, so this looks promising...


Sure enough, if we click that 'cleaning' hyperlink, it takes us to this CDC page with the title that *does* say ventilation



And, on this page, if you scroll down, you find the section on ventilation

(yes, now you can see why I say ventilation is buried. Instead of details, we get yet another link...)


Alright, when we finally click 'ventilation in buildings', we get to this page which actually has the detailed info on ventilation and filtration (side note: this took ~10 months for CDC to produce this page, even though we knew this last winter...)


Breaking: Not only does John Solomon continue to include more and more false claims in his propaganda, but after 4 years of "reporting" on FISA he still doesn't know what FBI Director signs to on FISA.

In reality, this is what John Solomon's "SMOKING GUN" says:

Steele was considered reliable (true!), his sources were in a position to report on what they reported on (true!), the reporting corroborated stuff in the report [that, btw, is mostly classified]

This paragraph, for example, includes 3 lies and one exaggeration: First, CIA informed FBI that until 2011, they asked Page questions about the RU intelligence officers trying to recruit him.

That does NOT cover the most alarming thing he did in 2015 or one RU intelligence officer that Page did not tell the CIA about while still an approved contact.

USG had gotten opinions about Steele that weren't entirely favorable (but unsurprising for operations officer), but this is before questions abt source network.
Since the detailed and ambivalent account of the FOB that @klonick recently published in @NewYorker is generating so much discussion, I thought it might be useful to place the FOB in a broader historical trajectory: what is new here and what isn’t? h/t @rickhills 1/15

First, most obvious pt: we have dealt with similar problems before! We tend to regard the FB prob--a private corp controlling the mass public sphere—as unprecedented, but that is just not the case. At the Founding, the fed gov was primary regulator of the mass public. 2/15

But ever since the fed gov decided in 1850s to not create a public telegraph—a decision that shocked many, including its inventor, Robert Morse, who thought only a dem gov should have this power—private corps have played a crucial role in regulating our public sphere. 3/15

FB is NOT the first corp that has had to act as a private speech police. This is not even the 1st time a corp has created an advisory board to give its speech decisions more legitimacy and thereby stave off unfriendly regulation (what I take to be the FOB's goals). 4/15

In the 1920s, the media behemoth of that age, NBC, created its own Advisory Council to develop speech rules for the many radio stations it controlled. Like the FOB, the Advisory Council was stocked with prominent people—John W. Davis, solicitor general of the US . . . 5/15