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How might the Left overcome self-defeating infighting & endless strategy disputes and instead start building the type of solidarity necessary to win a radically better world?

Left Solidarity in a Hostile World 1/30

There is little disagreement on both the importance & urgency of the systemic changes we desperately need.

We are facing grim challenges on multiple fronts:

Capitalismā€™s systemic ecological destruction, injustices & alienation

Pervasive institutional racism systematically under-develops & under-nurtures communities of color. From systemic underfunding of schools to environmental racism, from economic injustice to the racist criminal ā€œjusticeā€ system.

Sexism, patriarchy, rape culture, toxic masculinity, homophobia, transphobia & gendered divisions of labor permeate every aspect of society. We are forced to contort our authentic selves into gendered boxes of what it means to be a ā€˜manā€™ or ā€˜woman.ā€™

Imperialist wars of aggression, international economic warfare, ā€œfree-tradeā€ agreements that have little to do with trade & everything to do with subverting democratic oversight over environmental & labor laws and undermining civil & indigenous rights. 5/30
****Rant incoming****

On Monday, the Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC) released a video on racism.


Note - the CEEC is a distinctive evangelical pressure group within the C of E. It is independent of the Anglican hierarchy (although it has a couple of bishops among its members), so its actions and decisions have nothing to do with Welby.


You can watch the video here:

My rant is not about the video itself; nor about the people who feature in it, who all seem perfectly decent.

Nonetheless, there are two rather large elephants in the room.


This is the 1st:

To the best of my knowledge, CEEC said precisely nothing about racism when one specific form of racism - antisemitism - was a national issue for 5 years, and formed part of the backdrop to 2 successive General Elections.

Does racism against Jews not count?

Malcolm Nance fell for memes and has gotten 11 likes, and 7k retweets so far
I dare anyone to read Critical Race Theory: An Introduction for themselves and try to believe this idiotic distortion. The book is both horrifying and laughably shallow. Read it yourself. You'll see. Last time I read it, I literally laughed out loud repeatedly at how stupid it is

I have screenshots of some choice material, but I have to admit that I stopped taking them because it's virtually all of the book that's transparently bad and ridiculous. Maybe I need to start sharing them anyway.

You can read the whole book for yourself in about four or five hours. It's neither long nor difficult. It's transparently awful and stupid, and it makes a person wonder what people like Bradley Mason are on about trying to bullshit you away from recognizing that.

Here, they say they're skeptical of rights.

This is after saying in the first paragraph that they diverge from the Civil Rights Movement and oppose the liberal order, equality theory, legal reasoning, Enlightenment rationalism, and neutral principles of constitutional law.

Look at how stupid the questions for deeper exploration are. It's literally making the case for propaganda over truth and then accusing white people of being the only people who confuse the two.
For those who followed last summer's exposure of #GenevanCommons hate group, there is an update.

It seems beneath my dignity to report it.
But then again, so much of what women end up having to say is beneath our dignity. 1/11

For *some* of the back story, see here:


Reminder: This group had upwards of 1,000 church officer and laypeople members. They mocked and slandered many, many of their brothers and sisters with racist, sexist and homophobic slurs. They plotted to disrupt their sisterā€™s work for the church.

Last weekend, #GenevanCommons member Rev. Michael Spangler faced charges in a church trial. Two others in this presbytery have not been charged, though one has demitted office. 4/11

1: offenses against his brothers, ā€œsowing discord in the church by publicly disparaging the governance of the Presbyteryā€
2: ā€œpublicly reviling and detracting Mrs. Aimee Byrd & Mrs. Rachel Miller,ā€ focused especially on 2 WORDS Spangler wrote: ā€œruthless wolves.ā€ 5/11